DIAMET Field campaign summary
DateIOPEvent 16 Sept 1Convective band ahead of upper- level PV max 20 Sept 2Baroclinic waves propagating on long trailing cold front 23 Sept 3Ascent in warm conveyor belt 26 Nov4Surface fluxes 28 Nov5aDouble cold front in Atlantic (dropsonde flight) 29 Nov5bCold front passage over Exeter and Chilbolton 1 Dec6Bent back warm front near Shetland + surface fluxes 5 Dec7Organised convection west of Scotland 8 Dec8Bent back warm front: Windstorm over Scotland 12 Dec9Warm front approaching UK from the west DateIOPEvent 30 April 10Mesoscale convective low. Flooding in S. England 9 May11aWarm front in SW approaches 10 May 11bWarm front over N. England 10 July 12Rainbands north of mesoscale PV anomaly 18 July 13Bent back occlusion/warm front over Scotland 15 Aug 14Bent back occlusion/warm front over Ireland IOPs
DateIOPEvent 16 Sept 1Convective band ahead of upper- level PV max 20 Sept 2Baroclinic waves propagating on long trailing cold front 23 Sept 3Ascent in warm conveyor belt 26 Nov4Surface fluxes 28 Nov5aDouble cold front in Atlantic (dropsonde flight) 29 Nov5bCold front passage over Exeter and Chilbolton 1 Dec6Bent back warm front near Shetland + surface fluxes 5 Dec7Organised convection west of Scotland 8 Dec8Bent back warm front: Windstorm over Scotland 12 Dec9Warm front approaching UK from the west DateIOPEvent 30 April 10Mesoscale convective low. Flooding in S. England 9 May11aWarm front in SW approaches 10 May 11bWarm front over N. England 10 July 12Rainbands north of mesoscale PV anomaly 18 July 13Bent back occlusion/warm front over Scotland 15 Aug 14Bent back occlusion/warm front over Ireland IOPs and OPs OPaSep 11-13Ex-hurricane Katia crosses UK OPb21-Sep-11Upper level PV feature. Two sondes from Arran OPc03-Dec-11 Two sondes from Camborne to study very narrow frontal band OPd15-Dec-11The non-Armageddon storm OPe 8-9 Jun- 12Severe flooding around Aberystwyth OPf11-Jun-12 Severe flooding around Chichester. Chilbolton radar observations OPg11-Jul-12 Chilbolton radar observations of a front passing over S England OPh01-Aug-12Cold front passage. No flight, Chilbolton + radiosondes
Chilbolton measurements start (Z)end (Z) 20-Sep IOP2 29-Nov IOP5 08-Dec IOP8 12-Dec IOP9 30-Apr IOP10 01-May IOP10 09-May IOP11 11-Jun OPf, severe flooding around Chichester 27-Jun Jul succession of cold fronts pass over southern UK 06-Jul widespread flooding across southern UK 11-Jul OPg, frontal passage 12-Jul Passage of frontal trough with rainband 01-Aug OPh, frontal passage 15-Aug IOP14
Drum a Starraig Hill of Dudwick Chenies Thurnham Clee Hill Dean Hill Cobbacombe Crug y Gorllwyn Predannack Hameldon Hill Ingham Castor bay Dublin Shannon Copse Hill Radar datagridded polar reflectivity polar dopplerType CheniesyyyR,D CobbacombeyyyR,D Clee HillyyR,D Dean HillYR,D Hameldon HillyyR JerseyyR PredannackyyR Castor BayYR 2011 only Crug-y- GorllwynYR 2011 only Hill of DudwickY R,D from 20 Sept 2011 only Jersey All data on BADC Doppler data on BADC Reflectivity data on BADC Polar reflectivity for 2011 cases only No data on BADC Weather radar data on BADC
Ground-based measurements 55 extra Met Office radiosondes 51 radiosondes from Aberystwyth as part of TROSIAD AWS data for 2011 campaigns on workspace Wind profiler measurements from MST radar on BADC (routinely) BL wind profiler measurements from FGAM and MO profilers.
How can we find the data? BADC Storm risk archive Met O radiosonde data links to FAAM data, NIMROD data and UM data Project workspace - available via ftp AWS and wind profiler data WVSS data Aberystwyth radiosonde data Images from Flying forecasts website
IOP 3 Warm Conveyor Belt : IOP3, 23 Sept Mesoscale diabatic PV anomaly MODIS 1330 Radar 1500
IOP 9 Warm Front/ Conveyor Belt : IOP9, 12 Dec Microphysics in slantwise ascent Diabatic PV generation?
IOP 11a Warm Front : IOP11a, 9 May Satellite and radar at 1700
IOP 14 Bent back front 1 : IOP14, 15 Aug Heavy rain: diabatic PV generation? Flooding in Wales
IOP 13 Bent back front 2 : IOP13, 18 July Flooding in Perthshire
IOP 11b Bent-back front 3 : IOP11b, 10 May Effect of upper-level trough/ tropopause fold Surface fluxes
IOP 5a IOP 5b Sharp cold front : IOP5, Nov Distinctive banding and line convection Microphysics interest
IOP 2 Baroclinic waves: IOP2, 20 Sept How do the observed waves relate to the rate of strain? What determined the detailed structure of the rainbands? 0415 Radar 1900 UKV 4 hr forecast for 1900
IOP 6 Windstorm 1 : IOP6, 1 Dec Origin of damaging winds Surface fluxes
Windstorm 2 : IOP8, 8 Dec Origin of damaging winds Surface fluxes IOP 8
IOP 1 Convective Bands 1: IOP1, 16 Sept 320 K PV What is the role of upper-level forcing?
Convective Bands 2: IOP12, 10 July IOP 12 NAE PV forecast for 12h Meteosat water vaour 12 h + ECMWF PV What is the role of upper-level forcing?
Convective Bands 3: IOP7, 5 Dec IOP 7 This mission was launched in the hope that a polar low would come within range. In the event it was too far north
MCS case: IOP10, 30 April – 1 May Joint case with DEMON Chilbolton observations
Suggested priorities A: IOPs 3, 9: WCB and warm front cases IOP 5: Cold front case IOPs 6, 8: Windstorms IOPs 13,14: Bent-back fronts B: IOPs 1, 12: Convective bands IOP 2: Baroclinic Waves IOP 10: MCS case C: IOP 7: Convection IOP 11a: Weak warm front IOP 11b: Bent-back front Note: IOP4 was a dedicated flux flight Should we include T- NAWDEX and/or EXMIX cases?