Stafford Senior High School Tuesday 11/25/08
Yearbooks SENIORS! Order your yearbook TODAY! If you want to attend senior breakfast this spring, you must pre-order by Dec. 8 th.
Swim Team Swimmers! Dry lands for TODAY, Tuesday has been CANCELLED. We will be only swimming!
Senior Class Seniors!.. If you missed making your order with Jostens, they will return during lunch shifts on Dec. 2 nd. Be sure to make your order Dec. 2 nd before the prices increase!!!
Step Team There is no step practice today!
Guidance SENIORS!! Check your college deadlines carefully! Deadlines for January 1 st – January 21 st need to be turned into the counseling center NO later then December 4 th. Request turned in after December 4 th will not be processed until after we return from Christmas Break January 5 th. Check your dates carefully.
Focus Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving competition for students of al ages. Team of students select a problem, create a solution, and then present their solution on a competition against other teams in the same problem and division. Teams have up to seven members and are under the guidance of an adult coach. Anyone interested in forming an Odyssey of the Mind team should see Mrs. Rankin in E102 by Nov. 25. You can also contact her by at or call her at X
Girls Soccer Girls soccer will NOT have conditioning this week.
Announcements We are doing a story on families who play sports together. Does your family take trip to ski resorts in the winter or has a special sports activity that everyone does together? Please send Mrs. Gill a note or come by the cookie room, W206 in the morning or after school.
HAVE A GREAT DAY INDIANS!! Kevin Jones Video Production 1 Hayley Killian
Have a GREAT Thanksgiving Break!!! Happy Thanksgiving Stafford!