Chapter 16.1
16-1 Stalemate in Washington Main Idea- from 1877 to 1896, the Republicans and Democrats were so evenly matched that only a few reforms were possible at the national level.
16-1 Important Concepts After the assassination of president Garfield a movement to reform the civil service began The Pendleton Act got away from the spoils system, by making candidates for federal jobs take competitive exams. Grover Cleveland a democrat won the election of 1884
16-1 Important Terms Patronage- when government jobs go to supporters of the winning party in an election. Also known as the spoils system Rebates- partial refunds
Pendleton Act – After Garfield’s assassination the public’s negative opinion about the spoils system was brought to attention. In 1883 Congress passed the Pendleton Act. Created Civil Service Commission that instituted competitive exams in order to qualify for a federal job.
16-1 Interstate Commerce Commission The Interstate Commerce Commission was formed after the Interstate Commerce Act that was the first federal law designed to regulate interstate commerce. The commission limited railroad rates, prevented rebates to high volume users, and made charging higher rates for shorter hauls illegal.
Chapter 16.1-Stalemate in Washington The McKinley Tariff lowered federal revenue and transformed the nations budget surplus into a budget deficit. Rep. William McKinley pushed through a tariff bill that cut tobacco taxes and tariff rates on sugar, but increased rates on textiles to discourage people from buying those imports.
Sherman Antitrust Act The Sherman Antitrust Act was in 1890 and said “ combination in the form of trust... Or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states.” was illegal. was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit abusive monopolies, and in some ways it remains the most important.monopolies
Sherman Antitrust Act The Commission's subsequent report to President Theodore Roosevelt then laid the groundwork for Roosevelt's attacks on trusts and finally resulted in the successful employment of the Act. In a seminal 1904 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the Federal Government's suit under the Sherman Antitrust Act to dissolve the Northern Securities Company (a railroad holding company) in State of Minnesota v. Northern Securities Company.