Quarterly Review: Grade 12
You are camping and one of your friends has fallen and injured his leg You are camping and one of your friends has fallen and injured his leg. You call 911 immediately. Your next step should be… have him try to walk it off. slowly move the injured part around until it feels better. try to apply a splint before advanced medical personnel arrive and take over try to apply a tourniquet
Causes of cardiac arrest in children include: airway and breathing problems SIDS traumatic injury all of the above
If your first 2 breaths do not go in during your care for an unconscious victim, what should you do next? give up to 30 compressions finger sweep reposition the victim’s airway and reattempt 2 breaths. switch to back blows and abdominal thrusts
Your sister has burned her hand on the oven Your sister has burned her hand on the oven. There are burns with blisters across her palm and several of her fingers. How should you care for this burn injury? apply some ointment or lotion to the burn. blow on the burn to cool it off, or have her wave her hand in the air. cool the burn with large amounts of cool water, and then cover the burn with a dry, sterile dressing. raise her feet about 12 inches off the ground
You have bandaged your friend’s cut forearm in a way that applies direct pressure on the wound and someone has called 9-1-1. Blood is still soaking through the dressing and bandage. You help elevate his arm in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but bleeding continues. What should you do? apply additional dressings and bandages on top of the existing bandages. apply a tourniquet on the arm above the wound. go to the doctor because there is nothing else you can do. remove the dressing and bandage and start over again with a tighter bandage.
F.A.S.T. is an excellent tool to utilize in the event someone has suffered a stroke. It stands for: face, act quickly, smile, time face, arms, speech, time fast, act quickly, speech, time fast, arms, smile, transport
Some signs that an infant is choking are: breathing noisily and deeply crying and spitting up food looking panicked and not able to cough, cry or breathe rapid breathing and crying
When giving care to an infant who is conscious and choking, where do you position your hand for back blows? below the belly button in the middle of the back, between the shoulder blades on the back sides of the rib cage any of the above
An infant in need of CPR will have- rapid and shallow breathing. no breathing and no signs of circulation. signs of circulation and will be conscious. no breathing, but signs of circulation.
You are in the cafeteria when a friend at the next table clutches his throat with both hands. You ask him if he is choking and he frantically nods yes. You tell him you are trained in first aid and that you can help. You send someone to call 9-1-1, what should you do FIRST? encourage him or her to cough forcefully. give 15 chest compressions. stand behind the victim; give back blows and abdominal thrusts. try to give 2 rescue breaths.
You have bandaged your friend’s cut forearm in a way that applies direct pressure on the wound and someone has called 9-1-1. Blood is still soaking through the dressing and bandage. You help elevate his arm in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but bleeding continues. What should you do? apply additional dressings and bandages on top of the existing bandages. apply a tourniquet on the arm above the wound. go to the doctor because there is nothing else you can do. remove the dressing and bandage and start over again with a tighter bandage.
A co-worker is bleeding severely A co-worker is bleeding severely. After putting on disposable gloves, what is the first step in your care? apply pressure at the pressure point. elevate the wound if no broken bones and without causing further pain let the wound bleed until it stops on its own press firmly against the wound with a dry sterile dressing.
Proper first aid for a conscious person experiencing a diabetic emergency involves: administering an epi-pen administering some form of sugar doing nothing, it will pass getting the person into the shade and giving cool water
When performing child CPR- compress the chest straight down about 1 inch. give cycles of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths let the chest rise completely before pushing down again B and C
If a child is 3 years old and quite small, where do you place your hands to administer proper CPR? one hand on the notch of the breastbone and one hand on the ribcage one hand on the notch of the breastbone and the other on the nose to hold it open over the stomach, just above the belly button and below the notch two hands on the center of the breastbone, just above the notch where the ribs meet the breastbone
During infant CPR, about how far should chest compressions go down? .5-1 inches 1.5 inches 2 inches 3 inches
If you are alone and a child or infant is unconscious, you should: call First care First
What are 5 points of care that you would give to a person with frost-bitten hands?
What are 5 indicators that a head injury is severe?