2/12/15 Starter What do you think a fossil is useful for? 2/12/ Ordering Fossils Activity Connection/Exit: What does this activity have to do with evolution? How do fossils provide evidence for the theory of evolution? What are some possible causes of stasis (no change in fossils), gradual change, sequential nature of the layer, and sudden appearance and disappearance of fossils? Ordering Fossils activity Practice/ Application: Ordering Fossils Activity: With a partner, you will complete the lab activity.
1 Starter 2. Activity February 24, 2014 AGENDA B. F Students analyze and evaluate the effects of other evolutionary mechanisms while reading and writing by completing an activity.
Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 2/12 Ordering Fossils Activity Table of Contents
2/12/15 Starter What do you think a fossil is useful for? 2/12/ Ordering Fossils Activity Connection/Exit: What does this activity have to do with evolution? How do fossils provide evidence for the theory of evolution? What are some possible causes of stasis (no change in fossils), gradual change, sequential nature of the layer, and sudden appearance and disappearance of fossils? Ordering Fossils activity Practice/ Application: Ordering Fossils Activity: With a partner, you will complete the lab activity.