Dante’s Inferno Canto XXIII Cory Cinquemano
summary Canto began in the Eighth Circle, Fifth pit Demons chased Virgil and dante to the sixth pouch Virgil and Dante encountered the hypocrites They came across the hypocrite caiaphas
New Characters Hypocrites- wear cloaks with hoods, bright colors, and lead linings Catalano and loderingo- friars and bologna Caiaphas- hypocrite crucified in hell
Eighth circle Fifth pit- Location of barrators Barrators- political corruption Sixth pit- Location of Hypocrites Hypocrites- People who say one thing and do another
punishments Barrators- must be stay hidden beneath the hot pitch Hypocrites- wear beautiful gold on the outside, but lead in the inside.
caiaphas Ciaphas was high priest of israel He accused jesus of blasphemy Caiaphas was crucified by the triple stake. He is continuously walked on while staked to the ground