Do Now Take out your maps. Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” To what was Lincoln referring?
Compromise of 1850 Time for another compromise!!
The Issues at Hand… For each of the following issues, write a reason for and a reason against each of them. Then, depending on your region, circle the side your Senator would support.
The Issues at Hand… Should the Mexican Cession territory allow slavery, or should it be declared free?
The Issues at Hand… Should California be allowed to join as a free state?
The Issues at Hand… Can Texas claim that its territory extended all the way to Santa Fe?
The Issues at Hand… Should the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., continue to allow slavery?
The Issues at Hand… Should there be a law to aid in the capture and return of runaway slaves?
We are now meeting as Congress to figure out what to do… Meet with your partner Debate each issue at hand, presenting why your region wants each issue. Come to a compromise, so that both people are content. After 10 minutes of debate, we will come together as a whole class to reach a final compromise.
Act-It-Out: The Senate Debates California Statehood Step 1: Write down the character your group is assigned: Northern Senator, Abolitionist in the Gallery, Southern Senator, or Slave Owner in the Gallery Step 2: Discuss these questions. Make sure everyone is prepared to answer them. How do you think Congress should settle the issue of slavery? What do you think Congress should do about fugitive slaves? Should California be granted statehood? Why or why not? Do you think that the admission of California into the Union will keep the nation together or pull it farther apart? Why?
The Real-Life Results California was admitted as a free state Texas’s borders were contracted The issue of slavery in the rest of the territory from Mexican Cession would be decided by popular sovereignty, or a majority-rule vote, when the territories became states The slave trade was banned in Washington D.C., but existing slavery could continue The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed
The Fugitive Slave Act