1. Anti-Semitism - Hostility toward Jews as an ethnic or religious group, often accompanied by social, economic and political discrimination. 2. Discrimination- Action based on prejudice or biased beliefs that results in unfair treatment of individuals or groups; unjust conditions in areas such as employment, housing and education. 3. Propaganda- The deliberate spreading of ideas or information, true or untrue, with the purpose of manipulating public opinion to gain support for one’s cause or to discourage support for another. 4. Racism- A set of beliefs based on perceived “racial” superiority and inferiority; a system of domination that is played out in everyday interactions, and the unequal distribution of privilege, resources and power. 4. Stereotype- A simplistic, firmly held belief, often negative, about individual characteristics generalized to all people within that group._
6. Prejudice- bias; Irrational hatred of a particular group, race, or religion. 7. Bias- Prejudice 8. Hate- strong dislike 9. Bigot, bigotry - An intolerant person, esp. in matters of race, or religion 10. Intolerance, intolerant- Being unable to recognize and respect the opinions, practices or behavior of others. 11. Tolerance- Ability to recognize and respect the opinions, practices or behavior o f others. Adolf Hitler ( )- the symbol Of prejudice, hate, and intolerance. He Ordered Jews wiped out in countries he Controlled.
Nazi identification photo of Gerda Weissmann, age 16. Her mother made the green dress from a blanket. Gerda and her husband Kurt Klein. Kurt was the first soldier to her at the liberation.
Some of the victims were never transported but were hung or killed on the spot. Focus on the activity that is taking place in the background. Those that were not killed were taken on long marches or transported by trains to ghettos, labor, or concentration camps
As thousands arrived at the camps, they were divided. The old, the weak, mothers, and children were sent to the gas chamber. The able- bodied went to work. Some, such as twins, were saved to be used for medical experiments. Many Jews hid in fear. Many Germans put their lives at risk to help their Jewish friends and strangers.
Hitler and his army focused on creating a perfect German society, so not only did they try to annihilate the Jews but also murdered what they thought were undesirables: Roma (Gypsies), gays and lesbians, Communist, handicaps, blacks, prisoners of war, the sick, the very young, the old and those that opposed the Nazi regime. About 6 million Jews died during WWII
Holocaust Camp
Women were stripped not only of their clothing but of their family, freedom, dignity, health, and human compassion. Death increased as the end of the war and invasion came closer.
Gas chambers were designed to look like showers. Black smoke coming from the chimney became a symbol of death. Furnaces were used to dispose of some of the bodies.
Should the desires, ambitions, anger, and hatred that fills the heart of one effect the lives of others? Should fences be built figuratively or literally to divide differences?
Would you reach out to help others?