LO: I will revise everything covered so far in the prejudice unit
During your ‘speed teach’ activity you must give and receive information under a time limit. You must SHARE information and ASK each other questions. Focus on these areas: ◦ Definitions of prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping ◦ Types of Prejudice ◦ Causes of Prejudice ◦ Positive Discrimination ◦ The effects of prejudice ◦ British law on prejudice ◦ Jewish Attitudes (with quotes!) ◦ The question of religious prejudice?
Tolerance Justice Harmony Value of the individual To allow the existence, occurrence, or practise of something Doing what is right and fair according to the law To agree to live in peace with others Recognising that EVERY person is special, and has something unique to contribute
In groups of 3 you are going to create a quick presentation on analysing the following statements Come up with probing questions to test students. Give points FOR and AGAINST Use page 44 of textbooks to help guide you. ‘Your upbringing is the greatest cause to prejudice’ ‘Britain isn’t doing enough to stop prejudice’ ‘Religions cause prejudice rather than solve it’
‘Discrimination is worse than prejudice. ’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks) Use FARP (For, Against, Religious evidence, Personal conclusion) Remember, for Religious Evidence, you are referencing a religion, give a quote.
◦ Definitions of prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping ◦ Types of Prejudice ◦ Causes of Prejudice ◦ Positive Discrimination ◦ The effects of prejudice ◦ British Law on prejudice ◦ Jewish Attitudes (with quotes!) ◦ The question of religious prejudice? ke the hot seat!
Next presentation: Gabriel and Tim (Prejudice)