Jewish Life in Europe at the turn of 20 th century Kyle Kang Per.2
Who are Jews? Jewish are commonly known as people who were from Israel and/or people who believe in Judaism (Jews in Past)
Judaism Symbols of Judaism –The star of David and Menorah What is Judaism to Jewish people?
Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism is prejudice against or toward Jews because of their ethnic background, culture and religion.
Jewish Emigration Jews immigrated to countries such as the USA, Canada and also south America from Europe because of the discrimination.
Jewish Literature Isaac Rosenberg (left) Franz Kafka (right)
Zionism Definition of Zionism -the international Jewish political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine. The area was the Jewish Biblical homeland, called the Land of Israel (Hebrew: Eretz Yisra'el)....
Anti Zionists Jews
Conclusion Despite all of the pressure and discrimination of other countries, Jews preserved their own traditions and religion. The reason was their nationalism and their desire for their own home
Bibliography Images from Google