PREJUDICE & DISCRIMINATION Pastor Fred Waldron Phelps, of Westboro Baptist Church. The church is known for its hate speech, especially hate speech against homosexuality.
I. Prejudice & Stereotypes A. Stereotype the perceptions, beliefs & expectations we have about members of a group. they are schemas for an entire group can be positive or negative usually oversimplified & distorted we may not be aware of our stereotypes often leads to prejudice
c. Discrimination differential treatment of individuals who belong to different groups b. Prejudice a pos. or neg. attitude toward an individual based on their membership in a group. I.Prejudice & Stereotypes
A. Motivational Theories some people who are prejudice against certain groups might enhance their sense of security & help them meet certain needs. II. Theories of Prejudice & Stereotyping
I. Authoritarianism - personality trait linked prejudice people 3 Characteristics 1. believes in traditional values 2. follows orders of authority figures w/o question 3. act aggressive towards people identified by authority figures as threatening values held by their group they view the world as a threatening place criticize other groups to make them feel better about themselves II. Theories of Prejudice & Stereotyping - Motivational Theories cont. Respect My Authority! Theodor Adorno's F-scale People can be divided into two distinct classes - the weak and the strong. An insult to our honor should always be punished. Every person should have complete faith in a supernatural being whose decisions he obeys without question.
B. Social Identity People identify w/their in- group, & tend to see it as better than other groups(out-group) Results - members of in-groups see out-groups as less attractive & less socially acceptable thus may treat them badly. (Scapegoat theory) II. Theories of Prejudice & Stereotyping Examples of In-groups – Out-groups Germany: Jews and the Nazis Politics: Dems and the Republicans Football: Seahawks and the Broncos Gender: Males and Females Social Class: Middle Class and the Rich in-group will discriminate against the out- group to enhance their self-image
C. Cognitive Theories People naturally use schemas to interpret the world. We categorize people, & assume all members of a group are the same Our attention is drawn to distinctive stimuli, & thus easily be remembered. (bad behavior is remembered more than good behavior) II. Theories of Prejudice & Stereotyping
D. Learning Theories People learn stereotypes from TV & media People/kids learn prejudice watching their parents & others People/kids can be reinforced by parents & others Depiction of African American Female in Cinema Black female characters shown using profanity: 89%. White female characters shown using profanity: 17%. Black female characters shown being physically violent: 56%. White female characters shown being physically violent: 11%. Black female characters shown being restrained: 55%. White female characters shown being restrained: 6%.