Created By Stacey Lowe 12/081 Better Reading Instruction For All Children: A WebQuest Designed By Stacey Lowe
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/082 Introduction Congratulations! Your principal has just appointed you to chair the Literacy Committee for your school. Your school, as a whole, did not meet AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) for If your school fails to meet AYP for the school year, you and your school will be faced with state sanctions. Your charge, as the newly appointed Literacy Committee Chair, is to find out the best methodology and practices for teaching all children to read grade level text proficiently.
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/083 Task Your task consists of 4 parts: – 1. Divide into 3 groups The SBRR’s (Scientific Based Reading Researchers) The Publishers The Professional Educators – 2. Research and Evaluation Research and evaluate internet links specified for your group As a group 1. Synthesize your findings 2.Create a short PowerPoint presentation outlining your conclusions 3.Share PowerPoint presentations with the entire class – 3. Build A Consensus In groups of 3 (1 SBRR, 1 Publisher, and 1 Professional Educator), build a consensus as to the best practices in Reading Education based on your findings during Research and Evaluation. – 4. Conclusion: On your own, analyze your school’s current reading program and present your principal with a final report of your recommendations for improvement.
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/084 Process After dividing into 3 groups, research and evaluate the internet links specified for your group. The following are 5 questions you need to consider as you evaluate each website: – 1. Who is the author(s) of this website? – 2. Who is publishing the website (i.e. US government, book publisher, etc.)? – 3. How old is this website? – 4. What, if any, are the recommendations listed for helping all children learn to read? – 5. Is this information in opinion or fact form?
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/085 Process The SBRR’s The Publishers The Professional Educators Select Your Group Below For A List of Internet Links
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/086 THE SBRR’s The Non-negotiables… Each member of the group will need to: 1.Fully participate in the research and evaluation portion of this task 2.Research at least one website listed below 3.Present what was found on his/her website to the SBRR Group 4.Create 1-2 slides for the group PowerPoint presentation Suggested Website Links: andhttp:// earch.pdfhttp:// earch.pdf Next…
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/087 THE PUBLISHERS The Non-negotiables… Each member of the group will need to: 1.Fully participate in the research and evaluation portion of this task 2.Research at least one website listed below 3.Present what was found on his/her website to the Publisher Group 4.Create 1-2 slides for the group PowerPoint presentation Suggested Website Links: Next…
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/088 THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATAORS The Non-negotiables… Each member of the group will need to: 1.Fully participate in the research and evaluation portion of this task 2.Research at least one website listed below 3.Present what was found on his/her website to the Professional Educator Group 4.Create 1-2 slides for the group PowerPoint presentation Suggested Website Links: Next…
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/089 Process Now that SBRR’s, Publishers, and Professional Educators Groups have shared their internet findings, it’s time for you and your classmates to build a consensus. Create small groups of three: 1 member from the SBRR’s Group 1 member from the Publishers Group 1 member from the Professional Educators Group ++ = GROUP CONSENSUS
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/0810 Process Consensus Group Guidelines: 1. This is not a competition; everyone must feel free to express their ideas and opinions. 2. Build a consensus as to the best practices in Reading Education based on your findings during Research and evaluation. While building a consensus make sure everyone is following, listening to, and understanding each other. 3. All three members of each group should contribute their ideas and knowledge related to the subject. 4. Stay on task. 5. You may disagree, that is OK and healthy. However, you must be flexible and willing to give something up to reach an agreement. Separate the issue at hand from your personalities. This is not a time to disagree just because you don’t like someone. Spend time on this process. Being quick is not a sign of quality. The thought process needs to be drawn out some.
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/0811 Process Consensus Group Procedure: The decision to be reached by consensus: What are the best practices in Reading Education? How do we help all children become better readers? 1. Create a plan to reach a solution. 2. Brainstorm possible solutions. 3. Discuss pros and cons of each solution and then narrow down your list of ideas/solutions. 4. Adjust, compromise, and fine tune the agreed upon idea/solution so ALL group members are satisfied with the result. 5. Make your decision. If a consensus is not reached, review and/or repeat steps one through Share your groups decision with the entire class.
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/0812 Evaluation and Conclusion You are now at the final task of activity. On your own, analyze your school’s current reading program. Compile a final report of your recommendations for improvement for presentation to your principal. Use the following rubric as a guideline for writing your final report. ( Click on Final Report Rubric below ).
Created By Stacey Lowe 12/0813 Teacher’s Page Targeted Learners: This WebQuest is designed for adult learners - classroom teachers and paraeduators who are working with elementary reading instruction. Core Standards: Utah State Elementary Language Arts Core & Utah Literacy Model – – w.pdfhttp:// w.pdf Additional Resources: –National Reading Panel –Florida Center for Reading Research –International Reading Association