Risk and Resilience ADDIS ABABA 15 TH JUNE 2016
Summary Overview 2 New Resilience Funding Livestock Value Chain Diversified Livelihood Opportunities Governance & Institutions Conflict/NRM/Gender (integrated) Knowledge Management Leveraged Mission DA Funding Health & Nutrition Education & Youth NRM/Water Regional Trade & Policy Conflict Leveraged DCHA HA Funding DRR/M NRM/Water Safety Net Nutrition Economic Recovery Theory of Change: By reducing risk, building resilience and expanding economic opportunities, we can strengthen social stability and economic growth in targeted dryland areas in the Horn of Africa by Total Investment (2012 – 2017): through Integrated, Parallel, or Sequential Programming
WORKING TOGETHER Resilience Framework for Change represents coming together of USAID Sequencing, Layering and Integration Humanitarian Aid and Development Aid a)Same room b)Crisis Modifiers and Pivot
Risk? Theory of Change: By reducing risk, building resilience and expanding economic opportunities, we can strengthen social stability and economic growth in targeted dryland areas in the Horn of Africa by 2017.
RISK? Logical Framework type risk. e.g. i.Internal programme risk ii.Large covariate risk Risk USAID 2012 Framework.
6 Sensitivity Exposure Chronic Poverty Shocks, Stresses Recurrent Crisis Economic Opportunities Livelihood Strategies Adaptive Capacity Access to Education Environment, Water, Sanitation & Management Nutrition and Health Services Access to Risk Assessment Tools Early Warning Systems Risk Reduction Social Safety Nets And Financial Protection Disaster Risk Reduction Reduce Drivers of Conflict Good Governance Women’s Empowerment Resilient Response to Shocks, Stresses Sustainable Reduction in Vulnerability & Inclusive Growth Conceptual Framework from Building Resilience to Recurrent Crises: Policy and Programming Guidance (2012)
Purpose: Increased resilience of chronically vulnerable households and communities Objective 1: Expanded Economic Opportunities Objective 3: Improved Health and Human Capital IR.3: Increased access to financial services IR.2: Strengthened Disaster Risk Management IR.2. Improved health and nutrition practices Innovation and knowledge management / Gender / Private Sector Involvement / Functional Literacy Objective 2: Strengthened Institutions and Governance IR 4: Strengthened institutional capacity and coordination IR.1. Increased use of health and nutrition services IR. 2: Intensified agricultural production & marketing IR. 4: Increased market infrastructure (physical) IR. 3: Strengthened conflict management IR. 1: Diversified economic opportunities IR. 1: Strengthened Natural Resource Management Risk Informed Programming IR 4: Improved educational attainment IR. 3: Improved vocational skills (workforce) Goal: Sustainable reductions in humanitarian assistance needs, prevalence/depth of poverty, household hunger, and acute/chronic malnutrition 7