L.C. Bird High School By Marcus Petty
The Success Program believes all students can be successful if they are provided the resources and support to meet the high expectations that are placed on them. The purpose of the program is to make sure that every student at L.C. Bird has the resources available to ensure their success in high school. Initially, rising freshmen are recommended and/or recruited to enter the program during their 8th grade year. In addition, any freshman who is struggling throughout the year will be recruited to enter the program.
Chronic poverty Single parent (Stress, excessive work load, long hours, depression, lack of social support, etc.) Poor parenting skills (family discord, negative role models, lack of structure and rules, etc.) Large family Poor schools Bad grades Bad neighborhoods (drugs, lack of things to do, lack of community support, violence, etc.) Negative peer influence Minority status Low birth weight Drug use by self or caregiver Poor social skills
Minimal Risk Remote Risk High Risk Imminent Risk At-risk Behavior High SESLess positiveDepressionSmoking/ Alcohol Hard drugs Few psycho- social Stressors Some stressors Anxiety Aggression Hopelessness Early sexual activity Teenage mother Good schools Single parent Poor school grades Severe school Problems Dropped out of school Positive peers Bad crowd Bad crowdLegal Trouble Prison Good familyMinority status