Payload Integration POIWG July 2015 Ana L. Lopez
Steward Discovery Align integration to customer development Improve collaboration between integration teams: ops, safety, requirements, etc Tailor operations integration support Designed around provider experience and operational complexity Improve data collection and dissemination Eliminate duplication and improve usability in information gathering from the customer Improve recognition and outreach to customers Celebrate successes together! Implement customer communication forum Forum for open exchange to information, ideas, and feedback. H/W Identified for Flight Science Data We care about human life, the health of our planet, and the evolution of our species. We provide the ultimate user experience by understanding the science, technology, and exploration communities needs and working with them in flexible, simple ways, to enable successful experiments in low earth orbit. VALUES: Efficient Flexible Consistent
Synchronized, clear integration processes will enable more efficient and consistent integration of ST&E to ISS. DRIVEN BY PAYLOAD DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Conceive idea for ISS experiment and first contact with ISS ST&E Funded and added to the Integrated Payload List Begin Payload Integration Provider Support Rating Assign Flight Conduct Design PDR/CDR Conduct SRP Phase 2 Draft Ops Procedures Conduct SRP Phase 3 Complete verification Perform ground and crew training Complete hardware/software delivery/uplink Operate Experiment Rate Provider Int KICK OFF CONCEPTION PLAN AND PREPARE DESIGN & ANALYZE VERIFY DELIVER & OPERATE Int Sync Point 1 Int Sync Point 2 Int Sync Point 3 ONE ST&E DATA ENTRY POINT WITH SHARED DASHBOARD INTERFACE INTERNAL TO PROGRAM Apply requirements Conduct SRP Phase 1 Refine ops concept Build Dashboard, sign PIA, develop schedule ST&E Integration Flow
Enabling Process Focus Change from the bottom Focusing on HOW each process supports the core processes and thus the customer, will shift the culture Each enabler redesigned with a specific value system in mind to change the culture of that particular process.
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Cumbersome Processes Excessive, outdated Rqmts Ops processes not meeting lab needs Inefficient tools and data systems Uninspirin g message RISE Top Customer Issues Lack of integrated primary interface for ST&E customers which impacts customer resources and complicates technical integration for the ST&E community. Too many, too conservative and too much overlap Too many exceptions and constraints Do not meet user needs Not integrated across the program causing errors and duplication for the customer Planning template exceeds most project life cycles Accommodating late additions and changes is cumbersome Lacking the "why” message about ISS Not utilizing employees as a part of the outreach Not a Customer- friendly Culture Lack of customer focus is causing unnecessary work and mistrust within the ST&E community Difficult and antiquated processes are causing loss of ISS customers
ISS was created as a science and technology platform. Steward Discovery exists to maximize the use of ISS as a science and technology platform. COMMUNICATE VISION AND MISSION SCIENCE DATA AND SAMPLES EXECUTE INTEGRATE SELECTSTRATEGIZE Understand ST&E community needs. Partner with HQ to determine ST&E goals. Partner with CASIS and commercial community to understand commercial needs. Allocate ISS research funds. Support HQ on ST&E selections. Partner with Commerce and IP to ID ST&E needs and opportunities. Develop ISS ST&E Strategy for science compliment. Identify new capabilities needed. Assist ST&E in ISS Integration. Provide primary ST&E interface to ISS enabling processes. Employ one database interface for ST&E input and dashboard for ISS use. Manage ST&E execution with same values as Steward Discovery. VALUES: Simplicity EmpathyFlexibility Steward Discovery