Where are my GELOs? Discussion on General Education Learning Outcomes Development & Process Sacramento City College LR 105 – 8:30-10:00 August 18, 2006 Facilitators: Alan Keys, Karen Kunimura, Don Palm & Members of the SCC SLO advisory group of the Curriculum GE subcommittee
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) can be categorized in terms of… What students should know, and/or be able to do… …when they have completed a course, program, student service intervention, certificate, or degree. What is a Student Learning Outcome ?
GELO Workshop Goals Review current status of SLO development at SCC Explore the “Why” of GELOs Review regulations (Title V, Accreditation, LRCCD) Examine GELOs from Spring ’06 forum & other colleges Determine “next steps”
Status of SLO development at SCC Course SLO development (facilitated via curriculum & Prof. development) GE & Program Learning Outcome development progressing Faculty engagement across college SLO advisory group efforts SLO Statement of Philosophy, GE & ProLO workshops Individual faculty projects Student Service connections (Counseling; DSPS) SCC SLO website: Faculty resources and communication
GELO development: Why now? Students, Curriculum, Accreditation & Articulation Demystify and promote GE value to students Clarify Title 5 GE requirements Need clarification for curriculum development and review Address new accreditation standards focus on SLOs Assist articulation with transfer institution SLO expectations
Title V, Accreditation, College regs… oh my!
GELO resources - SCC’s SLO website: GE Learning Outcome Resources GE regulations and recommendations GE Regulation Summary Matrix SCC's GE requirements SCC GE Checklist Title V GE Regulations Accreditation GE Recommendations College Discussions and Presentations on GELOs GELO Workshop April '06 Proposed GELOs - April '06
GELO Process Breakout: Step 1. Reflect on both your views of “General Education” at the community college level & the regulatory influences on GE Propose 5-10 general areas of study or skill sets YOU feel should be included in an SCC student’s GE experience. Compare your areas to those of other CCCs and discuss similarities and differences.
GELO Process Breakout: Step 2. Assume that your GE “areas” have been approved for SLO development. Identify any “good practices” that should be followed or concerns that need to be addressed in this developmental process
Next Steps & Possible Timeline for GELO Development Always… *Maintain an open & transparent process* Fall ’06 Define areas and form task groups for GELO development Include discipline and student services faculty, GE subcommittee, and SLO advisory group members Develop drafts, obtain feedback from college community, finalize GELO statements
Next Steps & Timeline for GELO Development (continued) Spring ’07 Submit final drafts to appropriate groups for review & approval Communicate final drafts to campus community Fall, ‘07 Implement – Curriculum development & review; Student communications (e.g. Catalog, Counseling); Pilot Assessments