A DVANCEMENT V IA I NDIVIDUAL D ETERMINATION [ L. avidus] : eager for knowledge
Masters in Teaching Math 20 th year teaching: San Jose Villa Opened Godinez in th year teaching AVID
The purpose of the AVID program is to develop students to be college ready as well as college prepared by encouraging them to take rigorous Honors and AP classes and provide the support they need to ensure four- year college eligibility. My goal is to help your child reach their goal and to discover their career passions in four years.
Students Have Similar Goals and Embrace Academic Challenges
AVID Results-92% of all AVID students enroll in either 2-year of 4-year state or private colleges or universities. Godinez had 100% accepted to a 4 year college system!!
Dear Mrs Conner, I just received your message and I just want to let you know that I've been in a summer program for about six weeks now taking math and history classes at UCR to get ahead of the game. I am currently writing a research paper in my dorm on Spain as well as procrastinating by writing you this e- mail. Teach them your ways of binder checking and tutorial making. That reminds me to tell you how grateful I am to have had you as a teacher and AVID mom all those years. I really appreciate how you treated us as young adults, that really helped us become more independent and a lot more confident in our decision making. Luisangel Araujo p.s those cornell note taking skills we learned from binder checks have become my best friend. Thank you for everything again!
Dear Mrs. Conner, I hope your school year this year goes by well and no one gives you any trouble. I am also happy to inform you that my transition into college has been very smooth thanks to your help.
Hi Mrs. Conner! :) hope you've been doing well, I've certainly been enjoying my post high school life with work and school. The real world after high school is so different. so many more responsibilities. Although it is much different, I am handling the process well. I have been in college for 2 weeks and i love it. Cal state Fullerton is definitely a place where I fit in. I'm happy of where I'm at. I still use many avid techniques that I can utilize in all my classes. I miss you and all my avid family, hopefully we'll all see each other soon. Good luck this year
Write to Learn Inquiry questioning methods Cornell Note Taking Skills Organization Reading Test Preparation, Technology Time Management
These are handed out every Monday Due Friday with detention served PLUS parent signature D = 30 minutes detention F = 1 hour detention
Work together to solve problems Collaborate, Inquire Academic support
Graded Each Friday: Use a 2-3 inch ring binder Subject divider for all classes Each class section is organized, no lose papers hidden in backpack. Tutorial questions from Tue.s and Thurs. 10 pages of Cornell Notes with a summary SMART GOALS GRADE CHECKS with parent signature weekly!
♥ Ask to see finished assignments along with assignment sheet or directions. Check their AGENDA and ask daily how they are doing in school. Ask for their grade check or go on-line. ♥ Encourage them to stay organized and to keep things in a scholarly manner ♥ Encourage your child to get plenty of rest ♥ Encourage your child to set a regular homework and study time. Attend extra mandatory tutoring after school. ♥ Know who their counselor is (Dr. Chavez) in the Higher Ed Center too! ♥ Keep in regular contact with Mrs. Conner, their AVID teacher ♥ Visit college campuses often ♥ Volunteer to help build the AVID program on our campus
AVID shirts with Mascot AVID Olympic Competition End of the year BBQ Fun Friday’s Movie opportunities This Friday is the Rival Football Game at Segerstrom And….
Goal is over 100 hours
Please don’t forget to sign the attendance sheet!