C&I 222, Section 02 Welcome! August 21, 2011 Please make a name card and sign the attendance sheet
Today’s Class Introductions Walk through the syllabus Course Wiki and Tech Tools we’ll use Preview Texts
Introduction Welcome Video What do you believe in? Why do you want to teach? Video On the 2x3 card Name Year Major What grade you want to teach Favorite teacher and why
About Me
Important Info on Communication Please use ilstu to contact me at (Department policy) I can only use your university address to correspond with you Assignments and resources will be placed on the course wiki
Syllabus Review/Course Wiki The syllabus is also posted on the course wiki Preview Course Calendar
Technology Tools Wiki DropBox
Book Walk A strategy to familiarize a reader with new reading material. This process helps with comprehension of the text and to formatively assess a students understanding about different types of texts and how they are used. In groups of 3, complete the “Textbook Preview” We will discuss as a whole group.
Think/Pair/Share Think of a time you when you were “assessed.” Either a positive experience or not-so-positive experience. What happened? How did the experience make you feel? Share your story with an elbow partner If you would like, share your story with the whole group.
For Next Time Get your Textbooks Complete the Literacy Assessment Survey and post in your shared DropBox folder
Today’s Class Define Assessment Define Literacy
Read Aloud Hooray for Diffendoofer Day by Dr. Suess and Jack Prelutsky
What is Assessment? “Although assessment can help you determine and support the grades you give, assessment is NOT grading. Assessment is not standardized test scores- although these scores can give you some general idea about what children have so far. Assessment is collecting and analyzing data to make decisions about how children are performing and growing.” -Patricia Cunningham, The Phonics They Use “How do children learn? What should good readers be able to do? Answer these two questions and you are ready to delve into the principles of effective classroom assessments!” - Ray Ruetzel and Robert Cooter, Jr. Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction “Used with Skill, assessment can motivate the unmotivated, restore the desire to learn and encourage students to keep learning and actually create- not simply measure- increased achievement.” - Rick Stiggins, Classroom Assessments for Learning: Doing it Right, Using it Well.
1.Break up into groups of 3 2. The person with the birthday closest to today is the recorder 3. The youngest person in the group is the reporter Based on your previous conversations and the quotes above, answer the following: What do the above quotes say about classroom assessment? What would you consider to be “assessment”? What counts? What is the role of the teacher? How do you feel that children should be involved in the assessment process? Be prepared to share your thoughts with the whole group.
Brainstorm With a partner, write a list addressing the following questions What does it mean to be “literate” in our society? (Refer to your own experiences, info from previous literacy courses) Also think about what you have to do as a literate person What should people know or be able to do? Make a list So what are we supposed to teach and how do we know students are getting it?
Next Time For Next Class: Read Reading Diagnostics, Ch. 1 and Kidwatching, Ch. 1 As you are reading, fill out the 3 Ideas Reader Response sheet that is posted on the wiki
Assessment Philosophy First Course Assignment Due September Guidelines will be posted the wiki