Beaker Stores larger volumes of liquids for mixing
Thermometer Degree Celsius To measure the temp. of liquids
Bunsen burner Heating of liquids and solids
Strikers Strikers are used to light Bunsen burners. The flints on strikers are expensive. Do not operate the striker repeatedly just to see the sparks!
Clay Triangle holds crucible on iron ring above a Bunsen burner
Crucible Tongs handles hot crucibles
Crucible contains solids to be heated to high temperatures
Erlenmeyer Flask flask: contains larger amount of liquid for mixing purposes Erlenmeyer: triangular shaped flask
Forceps picks up small or hot objects
Funnel Used to transfer liquids.
Volumetric flask Used to make precise concentrations of solutions.
Pipette Used to transfer liquids to test tubes or beakers from a common container.
Graduated Cylinder measures volume of liquids
Mortar and Pestle Mortar and pestle (bowl) (grinder) grinds solids into powder
Ring Stand holds lab apparatus, such as iron rings, with clamps
Scoopula (Combination Spatula and Spoon) dips into bottles of solid chemicals to remove them without contamination or contact
Spatulas Spatulas are used to dispense solid chemicals from their containers. Chemicals should never be transferred with your bare hands.
Stir Rod For mixing chemicals
Test Tube Clamp clamps test tube to ring stand
Test Tubes 13 x 100 mm test tubes 10 x 75 mm test tubes Ignitiontube
Test Tube Holder holds/carries a single test tube When hot
Test Tube Rack holds test tubes
Test Tube Racks Test tube racks are for holding and organizing test tubes on the laboratory counter. Plastic racks may melt in contact with very hot test tubes.
Wire Gauze holds hot beakers/fla sks on iron ring
Rubber Stoppers Rubber stoppers are used to close containers to avoid spillage or contamination. Containers should never be heated when there is a stopper in place.
Spot Plates Spot plates are used when we want to perform many small scale reactions at one time. We will use these many times during the year.
Rubber Stoppers Rubber stoppers are used to close containers to avoid spillage or contamination. Containers should never be heated when there is a stopper in place.
Spot Plates Spot plates are used when we want to perform many small scale reactions at one time. We will use these many times during the year.
Wash Bottle A wash bottle has a spout that delivers a wash solution to a specific area. Distilled water is the only liquid that should be used in a wash bottle.
Weighing Boat Weighing boats are used to weigh solids that will be transferred to another vessel.