Revolutions Global History and Geography Regents Review
Neolithic Revolution Where: Middle East When: 10,000 BC Change: From nomadic tribes TO domestication of animals and plants. Nomads became farmers. Effects: Rise of towns and cities Centralized governments Organized religions Writing system- Specialization of labor Social classes Art and architecture Roads, canals and other public works
Commercial Revolution Where: Europe When 1500 to 1700 Effects: European nations establish overseas colonies Exploitation of Peoples Mercantilism Rise of guilds, partnerships, and corporations Money grew in importance
Scientific Revolution Where: Europe When: 1500s to 1700s Change: from medieval thinking to the use of the scientific method and reasoning. Effects: Questioning of ancient traditions and knowledge Use of the Scientific Method Use science to better society Use of reasoning Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler are examples of scientists that lived during this time people.
Glorious Revolution Where: Great Britain When: 1688 Change: From absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy Nonviolent overthrow of the government of James II that resulted in the reign of William and Mary Effect: Signing of the English Bill of Rights Power of English monarch is limited
Industrial Revolution Where: Great Britain When: 1700s Change: From cottage industry to Factory system Effect: Mass production of goods New energy sources Rise of socialism Rise of unions Science closely tied with industry Urbanization New class structure: rise of middle class Improved transportation Labor legislation
Intellectual Revolution: The Enlightenment or Age of Reason Natural Rights: all men have these unalienable rights. Natural laws also govern the activities of men. John Locke: men have natural rights of life, liberty and property. Men have the right to rebel if government fails to protect these rights. Voltaire: freedom of speech and religion Montesquieu: separation of powers Rousseau: men give power to the government (general will) to act for the good of the people
French Revolution Where: France When: 1789 Change: From absolute monarchy to democratic ideals of the Enlightenment. Causes: Absolutism, the influence of the Enlightenment, Social inequality, economic injustices, English and American examples. Effects: Rise of Napoleon End of monarchy Rise of nationalism Equality before the law; fair taxation Weakening of Catholic Church in France Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Russian Revolution Where: Russia When: 1917 Change: From czarist autocratic rule to communist rule under Lenin. Effects: Class society Communist/Marist principles followed Totalitarian dictatorship Denial of political rights and freedoms Modernization of Russia Formation of Soviet Union Cold War
Chinese Revolution Where: China When: 1949 Change: rule by nationalists to communist rule under Mao Zedong. Effects: Support of peasants for revolution Denial of political rights and freedoms Increased literacy Changed the role of woman The Great Leap Forward leads to the death of 20 million Chinese Cultural Revolution: Economy slows Eventual rise of China as a world power
Iranian Revolution Where: Iran When: 1979 Change: from western rule of Shah Reza Pahlevi to Islamic Fundamentalist rule under the Ayatollah Khomeini Effects: Anti western: western books, movies and music was banned Many rights taken from women Gov’t required strict adherence to Islamic traditions American hostages seized for 444 days. Denial of political rights and freedoms
Cuban Revolution Where: Cuba When: 1959 Change: from one dictatorship to a communist dictatorship under Fidel Castro Effects: Denial of political rights and freedoms Nationalization of industry and seizure of foreign property. Collective farms
Green Revolution Where: throughout the world When: throughout the late 1900s. Change: from traditional farming methods to use of modern technology. Effect: Rise in crop yields Irrigation: use of water pumps Use of new machinery Use of new fertilizer and pesticides Genetic engineering of seeds Innovations are expensive