Government teks#1 (1) History. The student understands major political ideas and forms of government in history. The student is expected to: (A) explain major political ideas in history such as natural law, natural rights, divine right of kings, and social contract theory; and (B) identify the characteristics of classic forms of government such as absolute monarchy, authoritarianism, classical republic, despotism, feudalism, liberal democracy, and totalitarianism.
What is a Natural law party? the Natural Law is a solution government.
What are natural rights? political theory that maintains that an individual enters into society with certain basic rights and that no government can deny these rights.
What is divine right of kings? a theory that certain kings ruled because they were chosen by God to do so and that these kings were accountable to no person except God.
What is social contract theory? Is the agreement between an individual and the state or between individuals and other individuals.
What is absolute monarchy? Rule by one person a monarch, usually a king or a queen whose actions are restricted neither by written law nor by custom a system different from a constitutional monarchy and from a republic. Absolute monarchy persisted in France until 1789 and in Russia until 1917.
What is authoritarianism? 1.Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom: an authoritarian regime.
What is classical republic? In a classical republic every individual must compromise their own views to maintain unity amongst the people - it is up to each individual, and their "public virtue", to keep the system running.
What is despotism? government by an absolute ruler unchecked by effective constitutional limits to his power.
What is feudalism? 1.simply defined as, destruction of political power.
What is liberal democracy? Liberal Democracy is a phrase often used to describe Western democratic political systems, such as Australia, the United States, Britain, New Zealand, Canada and other nations. It refers to political systems in which there are attempts to defend and increase civil liberties against the encroachment of governments, institutions and powerful forces in society
What is totalitarianism? a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator.