Tunney’s Pasture Orientation Rev
All persons visiting this complex must have a legitimate business purpose for accessing the site OR may be signed-in a guest by one of the tenant occupants. All persons requiring unescorted access to this complex will require “Reliability” level screening through Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) on behalf of the Government of Canada. Certain areas of the complex may require a higher level of security clearance “Secret” or “Top Secret”. Persons having a legitimate business purpose for accessing the site, but who do not have the necessary clearance will require an escort for the duration of their visit. 2 Site Access
In addition to the noted security clearance requirements all contractor personnel must: Be prepared to show government issued identification on every visit to the site. Visibly wear identification badges issued by site security at all times while accessing the facility. Obey all parking and traffic regulations for the site. 3 Site Access (Continued)
4 Tunney’s Pasture Site Map Building Directory 1) R.H. Coats Building (26 storeys) 2) Finance Building (3 storeys) 3) Statistics Canada Main Building (2 storeys) 4) Standard Lab Building (2 storeys) 5) Jean Talon Building (14 storeys) 6) Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (4 storeys) 7) Health Protection Building(3 storeys) 8) Environmental Health Centre (3 storeys) 9) Brooke Claxton Building (16 storeys) 10) Butler Hut (1 storey) 11) Animal Breeding Building (2 storeys) 12) Central Heating & Cooling Plant (3 storeys) 13) Finance Annex (2 storeys) 14) Public Archives General Records Centre (2 storeys) 15) DND Building (4 storeys) 16) Occupational Health Unit Bldg (1 storey) 17) Public Archives Personnel Records Centre (4 storeys) 18) Jeanne Mance Building (21 storeys) 19) Sir Frederick G. Banting Research Centre (4 storeys)
The following forms must be completed by each individual requiring access: (Unless you already have a valid security clearance through CISD) Personnel Screening Consent and Authorization Form (TBS/SCT E) Personnel Screening Consent and Authorization Form Security Clearance Form (TBS/SCT E) Security Clearance Form Completed forms should be submitted directly to: 5 Security Clearance
Call for all life-threatening emergencies After calling 911, immediately report the incident to your supervisor Report the incident to Security Operations Center (S.O.C.) Brookfield GIS HSSE Emergency # National Service Call Centre (water leak, power problems, etc.) Emergency Reporting and Site Contacts
A building evacuation will be signaled by the Fire Alarm. Evacuate the building immediately and report to your supervisor. It is the contractor’s responsibility to review building evacuation plans located at the entrance to each stairwell. Contractors will obey all instructions provided by building security through the public address system.(Where functionality exists) In an emergency situation, a building evacuation can be triggered through activation of a fire alarm pull-station. On building evacuation if required you may call security at: - Health Canada Buildings: (24hrs) -Stats Canada Buildings: , (24hrs) -NRCan Buildings: DND Building: Building Evacuation
A Work Permit is required for all work. A Work Permit must be obtained from Brookfield GIS personnel. Work Permits expire at the end of the work day or as noted on the permit. Work Permits are non-transferable. Work occurring outside of regular business hours also requires a work permit. The purpose of the Work Permit is to ensure that the facilities department are aware of all work activities taking place so as to ensure the ongoing integrity of building systems and the safety of all occupants. 8 Work Permit
Familiarize themselves with the hazards at the site and ensure appropriate controls are in place. In addition to the Work Permit: Have a documented job safety plan and / or job safety analysis prior to conducting the work. Understand the Environment, Health and Safety processes and applicable codes and legislative requirements for all work they are conducting at the Tunney’s Pasture Complex. Ensure that they renew the Work Permit on a daily basis until the work is complete. Ensure that approved permits are posted at the location where the work is occurring. At the conclusion of the work: return the job site to proper and safe working order, including closing any required fire watch, and signing the declaration on the permit indicating the area has been left safe. Submit closed Work Permit documents to Brookfield GIS representative prior to leaving the site. 9 Work Permit (Continued)
10 Sample Work Permit
All hazards must be immediately reported to Brookfield GIS HSSE Contractors are responsible for having a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any chemical product that they bring on site. Contractors will provide their own tools, equipment, and personal protective devices as required for the work that they are performing. Contractors will abide by all safety regulations, codes and standards as applicable to the work. Contractors will obtain all applicable permits from facilities prior to the start of any work. (Hot Work / System Bypass, LOTO, Confined Space…) Contractors will conduct a job safety analysis prior to the start of any work activity. Work must be performed by qualified and competent personnel. Contractors will be required to safely and responsibly remove all waste or hazardous waste generated as a result of the work being performed. 11 Health, Safety and Environment
12 Sample Job Safety Analysis
Contractors should visit the hazard station first before starting the work to familiarize themselves with any site-specific hazards. Contractors will augment controls and adjust their safety plans accordingly relative to any identified hazards. 13 Hazard Stations
Call for Emergencies Access: Reliability level clearance must first be obtained before site access can be granted. Work Permit: Required for all work which has the potential to affect the building infrastructure, environment, occupants or visitors. Report: All Incidents, Accidents, Near Misses, and Hazards. Hazard Station: Should be visited prior to the start of any work, so as to become aware of any hazards that may not be immediately apparent. (asbestos for example) Job Safety Analysis: is required before the start of every task. Tools and PPE: Are the contractor’s responsibility. MSDS: Required for any chemical product that is brought on site. 14 Remember!
1.It is my responsibility to report any hazard or any unsafe act? True / False 2.I must do a Job Safety Analysis before starting a job? True / False 3.When a building evacuation is triggered, I am to report to the closest security desk? True / False 4.I must obtain a Work Permit before conducting any work. True/False 5.Security have copies of all MSDS, so I don’t need to have a copy for any chemicals that I bring on site. True / False 6.In a medical emergency I should call and then report the incident to building security? True/False 7.I must, at minimum, have both a valid Reliability-level security clearance and a legitimate business purpose for being on site in order for security to provide me with access? True/False Company _________________ Signature ________________ Date ____________ 15 Knowledge Verification