SNA 2008 Implementation strategy Collins Omondi Kenya
Background Implementation process of SNA 1993 commenced in 2001 and the first estimates for the period 1996 to 2003 were released in 2005 Current base year 2001 Approach Production and Expenditure used
Introduction Annual numbers GDP ( real and nominal ) by both the production and expenditure approaches with a lag of 5 months to the reference period Quarterly GDP by activity at constant prices with a lag of one quarter to the reference period
Introduction In line with international recommendations, the base year for national accounts at constant prices should be updated every five to seven years. Rebased national accounts for Kenya (base year 2001) were released in Current revision and rebasing process started in 2006
Institutional Arrangements 2 Funding Main source of funding; Central Government Statcap Macro Economic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI) - missions only SCB project
Institutional Arrangements MOU s Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) A letter of agreement in force
Revision Process New data sources of data are available for the revised estimates: the 2009 Census of Industrial Production (CIP), the 2005/06 Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey (KIHBS) and the VAT-records from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).
Other data sources Detailed trade data on values and quantities VAT returns on turnover provided at a detailed level of ISIC classification(from Kenya Revenue Authority - KRA) Monthly Survey of Industrial Production (MSIP) data on values and quantities of production Data from monthly survey of hotels on bed occupancy PPI-manufacturing
Review of ANA methodology A review was done by East-Afritac Recommendations were made The recommendations are being addressed and will be implemented to extent possible during the revision and rebasing of ANA Revised annual series will be released in April 2014 SUT 2009 will be ready by end of April 2014
Challenges Encountered 1 Data Insufficient resources for data collection Inadequate capacities (producers) to estimate and compile requisite data Time constraint Compilation issues Many assumptions and estimations/guesstimates used and have not been validated due to lack of relevant studies or data.
Challenges Encountered 2 Institutional issues Shortage of staff across all technical directorates in the Bureau National accounts may not be able to get the staffing levels required Financial constraint
Other initiatives NSDS Process of developing the Strategy by 2014 Review of the statistics Act Harmonization of National Accounts in the region