Little Red Riding Hood Illustrated by the Nursery Class & Primary One Bowhouse Primary School Grangemouth Scotland Little Red Riding Hood lived with her Mum and Dad on the edge of a forest. She loved to wear her favourite red cloak with a red hood.
One day Mum asked Little Red Riding Hood to take a basket of food to her Grandmother who lived in the forest.
Little Red Riding Hood set off into the forest to her Grandmother’s house. Along the way she met a cunning wolf who told her to pick some flowers for her grandmother.
The wolf ran to Grandmother's house while Little Red Riding Hood picked flowers. With one big gulp. He ate up Grandmother and took her place in bed.
When Little Red Riding Hood came in to see her Grandmother, she thought her Grandmother looked very strange.
Little Red Riding Hood said. “What big eyes you have Grandmother.” “All the better to see you with,” said the wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood said. “What big ears you have Grandmother.” “All the better to hear you with,” said the wolf.
Little Red Riding Hood said. “What big teeth you have Grandmother.” “All the better to eat you with,” said the wolf.
The wolf jumped out of bed and chased Little Red Riding Hood. She shouted. “Help, help!” “Help, help!”
A wood cutter heard Little Red Riding Hood scream. He rushed in and chopped the wolf with his axe.
Out popped Grandmother safe and well. Little Red Riding Hood was very happy.
The wood cutter took Little Red Riding Hood safely back home. The End
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