C Examples 3
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Key DEBOUNCING – 3 (SWITCH4B) void main() { int start = 0; ADPCFG = 0xFFFF; TRISB=0b ; PORTB=0x0000; TRISF=0b000001; PORTF=0x0000; while(1) { Delay_ms(5000); // LONG DELAY IMPAIRS SWITCH OPERATION PORTB=~PORTB; // LED FLASHING if (Button(&PORTF, 0, 1, 1)) // Switch at PORTF Bit 0 start = 1; if (start&&Button(&PORTF, 0, 1, 0)) // Switch at PORTF Bit 0 { start=0; PORTF.F1=PORTF.F1^1; // Toggles PORTF Bit 1 }
Key DEBOUNCING – 4 (SWITCH5B) void main () { int start=0; T2CON=0b ; // Enable Timer 2/3, Prescaler =1 IEC0=0x0080; // Enable Interrupt for Timer 3 PR2=0xE100; // (PR3PR2)BASE16 = (100,000,000)BASE10 PR3=0x05F5; ADPCFG = 0xFFFF; TRISB=0b ; PORTB=0x0000; TRISF=0b000001; PORTF=0x0000; while(1) { if (Button(&PORTF, 0, 1, 1)) // Switch at PORTF Bit 0 start = 1; if (start&&Button(&PORTF, 0, 1, 0)) // Switch at PORTF Bit 0 { start=0; PORTF.F1=PORTF.F1^1; // Toggles PORTF Bit 1 } void interrupt_T2() org 0x { PORTB=PORTB^0x02; IFS0=0x0000; }
UART1 U1MODE = 0x8400;
UART1 unsigned char uc1, rx1; void main() { ADPCFG=0xFFFF; // Starts UART Uart1_Init(19200); // U1MODE = 0x8400; // This instruction required if using alternate pinout delay_ms(200); TRISB=0x0000; PORTB=0xFFFF; Uart1_Write_Char('a'); while(1) { if (Uart1_Data_Ready()) { rx1 = Uart1_Read_Char(); Uart1_Write_Char(++rx1); PORTB=~PORTB; } }//~!
UART2B-EEL unsigned adcRes; char txt[6]; void main() { int i; PORTB = 0x0000; TRISB.F1 = 1; // set pin as input - needed for ADC to work Uart1_Init(19200); while (1) { adcRes = Adc_Read(1); // Read ADC channel 1 WordToStr(adcRes, txt); // Convert ADC value to text i=0; while (txt[i]) { Uart1_Write_Char(txt[i]); // Send text to UART one character at a time i=i+1; Delay_ms(1000); } }//~!
UART2B-CPE unsigned adcRes; char txt[6]; void Uart1_Write_Text(char *txt_to_wr) { while (*txt_to_wr) Uart1_Write_Char(*(txt_to_wr++)); } void main() { PORTB = 0x0000; TRISB.F1 = 1; // set pin as input - needed for ADC to work Uart1_Init(19200); while (1) { adcRes = Adc_Read(1); WordToStr(adcRes, txt); Uart1_Write_Text(txt); Delay_ms(1000); } }//~!
The Family reference manual shows the connection in red, it does not show the direct connection to VREF-
Sampling Time To minimize the effects of pin leakage currents on the accuracy of the A/D converter, the maximum recommended source impedance, RS, is 5 kΩ for the conversion rates of up to 500 ksps and a maximum of 500Ω for conversion rates of up to 1 Msps