The Byzantine Empire Chapter 10
Timeline of Events in Chap 10 1090 A.D. Byzantine Emperor asks Pope for help with Turks. 1204 A.D. Venetian Merchants convince crusaders to sack Constantinople. 1236 A.D. Mongols extend empire over early Russian areas. 1453 A.D. Turks conquer Constantinople Constantine builds Constantinople c.330 A.D. Fall of Western Roman Empire 476 A.D. Reign of Justinian and Theodora 527-565 A.D. Christianity formerly splits 1054 A.D.
Constantinople This was the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and it was the vital center of the Empire. The city was located on the Bosporus, a strait that linked the Mediterranean and Black seas. The city elaborate systems of land and sea walls. Had a massive Hippodrome where citizens could watch chariot races.
Constantinople, The capital
Justinian Hagia Sophia
The Age of Justinian Ruled from 527 to 565 reconquered provinces that had been previously overrun by Germanic tribes. rebuilt and beautified Constantinople The church of Hagia Sophia, aqueducts, bridges, a hippodrome were built or improved. created Justinian’s Code Justinian’s Code was a model for European monarchs and later legal thinkers. was a religious ruler also.
The Empire
Byzantine Art
Christianity in East and West 3 Eastern Orthodoxy Roman Catholicism Byzantine emperor controlled Church affairs People rejected pope’s claim to authority over all Christians Clergy kept right to marry Greek was language of the Church Easter was main holy day Emperor outlawed the use of icons, or holy images Pope controlled Church affairs People accepted pope’s claim to authority over all Christians Clergy prohibited from marrying Latin was language of the Church Christmas was main holy day Use of holy images permitted. 1054 – Differences between east and west provoked a schism, or permanent split, between the Eastern (Greek) Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Church.
Decline of the Byzantine Empire 3 Decline of the Byzantine Empire