Survey of Ohio EMS Agency Pandemic Preparedness ODPS Division of EMS May 2009
Background Survey created to determine if H1N1 Outbreak of April 2009 affected EMS agency practices in preparing for a pandemic Survey created to determine if H1N1 Outbreak of April 2009 affected EMS agency practices in preparing for a pandemic Posted online and open from May 8, 2009 through May 15, 2009 Posted online and open from May 8, 2009 through May 15, 2009 One reminder sent out 24 hours before closing
Participants Convenience sample Convenience sample Invitation to participate in survey sent via EMS-General list broadcast Invitation to participate in survey sent via EMS-General list broadcast 1,100 subscribers at time of invitation Approximately bounced s Approximately bounced s
Participants Assumptions Assumptions Predominantly EMTs Some MDs, RNs and others subscribe to list Some MDs, RNs and others subscribe to list All are interested in EMS beyond simple provision of care List is voluntarily subscribed to learn more about EMS List is voluntarily subscribed to learn more about EMS
Survey Design Strictly non-scientific Strictly non-scientific “What does Tim think the Board needs to know about this pan flu thing?” Placed online at Placed online at
Response 354 participants 354 participants 32.2% response 317 completed survey 317 completed survey 89.5% of respondents 28.8% of invitees
Demographics 1. County 1. County Individuals serving 74 of 88 counties responded
Demographics 2. Highest level protocol 2. Highest level protocol
Demographics 3. Agency Pay Status 3. Agency Pay Status
Pandemic Prep 4. Prior to the H1N1 outbreak of April 2009, did your agency have plans in place to deal with a pandemic influenza outbreak? 4. Prior to the H1N1 outbreak of April 2009, did your agency have plans in place to deal with a pandemic influenza outbreak?
Pandemic Prep 5. When was the last time your entire agency staff was trained or briefed on the pandemic influenza plan? 5. When was the last time your entire agency staff was trained or briefed on the pandemic influenza plan?
Pandemic Prep 6. How recently were these plans reviewed and updated? 6. How recently were these plans reviewed and updated?
COOP 7. Prior to the H1N1 outbreak of April 2009, did your agency have a continuity of operations plan in place to ensure that your jurisdiction had 24/7 EMS coverage in case a large number of your personnel become ill? 7. Prior to the H1N1 outbreak of April 2009, did your agency have a continuity of operations plan in place to ensure that your jurisdiction had 24/7 EMS coverage in case a large number of your personnel become ill?
COOP 8. When was the last time your entire agency staff was trained or briefed on the continuity of operations plan? 8. When was the last time your entire agency staff was trained or briefed on the continuity of operations plan?
COOP 9. How recently were these plans reviewed and updated? 9. How recently were these plans reviewed and updated?
Infectious Disease Supplies 10. Does your agency have adequate supplies of PPE equipment and disinfectants stockpiled to handle a major infectious disease outbreak? 10. Does your agency have adequate supplies of PPE equipment and disinfectants stockpiled to handle a major infectious disease outbreak?
As a result of the H1N1 flu outbreak of April 2009, are you now going to…
…create or update a pandemic influenza response plan?
…create or update a continuity of operations plan?
…create or expand an infection control supply stockpile?