Bell Wok Medical Terms Group 1a 1.Gastro- = 2.Cardi- = 3. Megal- = 4. -itis = 5. dermat- =
Standards & Objectives TSW analyze the exiting and potential hazards to clients, co-workers and self and will prevent injury or illness through safe work place and infect control places 6.1 Use Standard Precautions and OSHA Standards to control the spread of infection, including aseptic techniques such as hand washing, personal protective equipment, isolation, and personal hygiene.
Promotion of Safety
OSHA – Occupational & Safety HealthAdministration Purpose of OSHA -Establish standards for safety in the workplace -Enforce the standards
Universal Precaution – Standard Precautions PPE – personal protective equipment Health Care PPE'SHealth Care PPE'S
List the 6 different types of PPE and the purpose of each gloves Gowns Shoe Covers glasses/ goggles masks pocket masks
Material Safety Data Sheet A document that provides information about a given chemical product. –the name, composition (chemicals in the product) –hazards –first aid measures –fire fighting measures –steps to take with spills, handling and storage, personal protection to be used, physical and chemical properties –information about stability & reactivity, toxicology, disposal, transporting, and regulatory requirements.
Personal Safety Use body mechanics Walk - not run in lab or clinical area Keep to the right of the hall Report unsafe situations Wash hands frequently Report all injuries
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) is a weekly epidemiological digest for the United States published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Morbidity - the rate at which sickness, injury, and failure of health occur among a defined group of people Mortality - deathrate: the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
The End! Reflection Questions
1.Define Biohazardous material. 2. What are 2 major purposes for OSHA. 3. What does the term frayed mean when referring to a cord? 4. What does IIPP stand for and what is the definition.