Introduction to Career Services
Résumé and cover letter development assistance – Optimal Resume- An online resource that helps you design resumes and conduct practice interviews Mock interviewing (by appointment only) –Taped and non-taped sessions for real interviews or just for practice –Employer mock interviews Guidance in choosing a career or major /minor –Career Advising –Career Assessments-Such as Strengths Quest, DISCOVER, MBTI –Major Guides highlight skills, career options, possible employment settings, websites with job postings, and career books in our Resource Center for each TCU major!Major Guides –Resources to learn more about any career such as O-Net Online TCU Career Services
Career Internship Program –Allows students and alumni to apply the principles and theories taught on campus to real life projects –Earn a Certificate of Completion Job Search & Salary Negotiation Strategies –Guides on Job Interviewing, Networking & Informational Interviewing, Internships, Career Decision Making, Resumes and Cover Letters, and Graduate Schools Career Resource Center (Jarvis Hall) –To assist with researching employers and career options
TCU Career Services Employment Opportunities & On-Campus Interviews Provide access to FrogJobs (internships, summer jobs, full-time jobs, on/off campus employment opportunities) Develop relationships with employers Professional Programs Coordinate Career & Intern Expos, Employer Information Sessions, Networking Events, On-Campus Interviews, and Graduate and Professional School Day Reach out to classes and groups through presentations Provide full services and support to all majors and TCU alumni!
Career Services on Facebook and YouTube! Search “TCU Career Services” in YouTube or Facebook or go to to find a link to our fan page.
Career Services Contact Information BNSF Railway Career Center Jarvis Hall, First Floor 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday- Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Drop-In Hours (817) Alcon Career Center Dan Rogers Hall-Room 140 Neeley School of Business 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday- Friday