Review chapter 8 and write the following: 3 things you mastered for the chapter 3 things you think you understood 3 things you must work on Your tests have NOT yet been graded…
Overview & Purpose: To preview travel & airport vocabulary Objective: to list 5 places you go to in the airport when you travel by plane Warm-up: Di 3 cosas que supiste bien para el examen y 3 cosas que no pudiste hacer bien Procedures: 1.warm-up PRE-READ preview chapter & objectives ( ) 3.PRE-write new vocabulary (285) 4.listen to audio 5.copy vocabulary into spirals Evaluation: warm-up
Pre-read 284 Make a list of words you dont understand Highlight words that appear on 285 Pre-write 285
El equipaje The baggage Las maletas The suitcases La demora The delay A tiempo (on time) La aduana Customs El inspector de aduanas The customs agent/inspector El pasaporte The passport El vuelo The flight
La sala de espera The waiting area La sala de reclamación de equipaje The baggage claim area La salida The exit/departure La llegada The arrival La puerta de embarque The boarding gate La tarjeta de embarque The boarding pass
Facturar el equipaje To check in luggage Hacer cola To stand in line Recoger las maletas To pick up luggage
La altura The altitude La asistente de vuelo The flight attendant El avión The airplane El piloto The pilot El asiento The seat El asiento de pasillo The aisle seat El asiento de ventanilla The window seat La clase turísta Coach class La primera clase First class
Abordar To board Bajarse (de) To get off (of) To get down (from) Subirse (a) To get on (to) To go up Aterrizar To land Despegar To take off Sentarse To sit ones self down
El/la agente de viaje The travel agent El boleto The ticket El destino The destination El folleto The brochure El/la guía The tour guide La guía turística The guide book
El hospedaje The lodging El pasaje (de ida y vuelta) The (roundtrip) fare/ticket La reserva The reservation El viajero/la viajera The traveler
Hacer la(s) maleta(s) To pack the suitcase(s) Hacer un viaje To take a trip Viajar por… To travel by.. (viajar por) Barco (to travel by) Ship Tren Train Carro Car Autobús bus
El metro The subway El tren The train El taxi The taxi El autobús The bus El barco The ship
9-1 to 9-5A + 9-6
Using ordinal numbers (primero, segundo, etc.), write 5 sentences telling 5 things you do at an airport from arrival to take-off Primero, llego al aeropuerto.