. Let’s talk about… Our day in 2 nd grade Homework Behavior Grading Policy How you can help
Students arrive between 8:30 and 9:00. Upon arrival, students will unpack, turn in their green Daily folders, make their lunch choice on the ActivBoard, select a book for silent reading and then begin working on a Morning Jumpstart Review.
After morning work, we will have Content time. This is our time to explore the science and social studies SOLs. We will begin with a Social Studies unit on Communities and then alternate throughout the year with Science units.
After content and a brain break, we begin math. Each math lesson begins with a short, whole-group discussion and then students rotate through math centers: Teacher Time, Math Journaling, Number Strategy Station and then, Content Review. We use a lot of games to extend our learning!
The Stew Crew will visit the Galley each day from 11:23-11:53. Feel free to join us!
Following lunch, we take our recess break. We alternate between the playground and blacktop areas. Donations of playground equipment (sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, bubbles) are always appreciated!
After Reading Workshop, we will have Writer’s Workshop. We will alternate between grammar and paragraph writing skills.
Students have a ‘Specials’ class every day. Our schedule is as follows: Monday-ART Tuesday-PE Wednesday-MUSIC Thursday-Library/Guidance Friday-PE
Following recess, we will have Reading Workshop. This is a time for students to work on learning new reading strategies and further developing a love for reading. Students will be placed into groups according to their needs. This is also a chance for students to take AR tests!
We use word study as our spelling program. This focuses on spelling patterns that can be applied across various words. Your child will be placed in a spelling group according to his/her needs. New spelling words are given on Friday and are assessed the following Thursday.
We will have a brief snack time and closure meeting after Reading Workshop. Your child is encouraged to bring a snack and have a water bottle each day. Please try not to send sports drinks or powder drink mixes because the extra sugar attracts ants. We work all the way up to dismissal, so please plan early outs accordingly.
Homework packets will be sent home each Friday. In addition to the packet, students will have word study homework and are also expected to read for 20 minutes each night. Each month, a challenge calendar will be sent home for optional enrichment activities.
Be on the lookout for special projects throughout the year. These projects are your child’s opportunity to show creative thinking. There will be approximately one project per month. It is your child’s responsibility to let me know if they need assistance in acquiring materials for a project.
We use Class Dojo to monitor behavior both individually and as a class. Students will have the opportunity to earn rewards based on the amount of points earned in a week. As a class, students work together to earn points towards earning special items such as fish for our fish tank. During the first week of school, the class and I will discuss the three ‘Rs’ to success: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Resourceful. I appreciate your support in helping your child become a more responsible and respectful student.
Students will receive a report card 4 times a year (every 9 weeks) and an interim report halfway through each grading period Students at the elementary level in Stafford County are graded using a standards-based system, not letter-grade system The goal is for students to meet the standards-this is considered a ‘3’. 1-below standards, 2-approaching standards, 4-consistently exceeding standards
Home-School communication is very important to me. There are several ways to contact me: Note-sent in your child’s Daily Folder 3. Dojo/Text/Call Newsletter/Website-keep up-to-date with the Stew Crew! Newsletters will be sent home e a once a month beginning in October.
Please consider volunteering in our classroom Shameless plug-we are always looking for donations of extra snacks, candy for our treat jar and Adopt-A-Classroom donations At home, please encourage a growth mindset and take time to discuss our daily learning Growth Mindset!
for taking the time to attend Open House! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!