South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Portland Design Commission Briefing April 3, 2008
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Overview Design Guidelines Discussion Next Steps Questions
Amend existing South Waterfront Greenway Review provisions, Section & South Waterfront Design Guidelines to address GDP Allows proposals to implement GDP as part of existing design review process applicable to all projects in South Waterfront Guideline approach provides added flexibility and review of proposals in public venue (Design Commission) Appeals, if necessary, would be in public hearing with City Council Greenway Development Plan: Code Approach
Additional Zoning Code Amendments Repeal required Residential Development Area Exempt “Hotels” from existing prohibition on retail, sales and services.
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Current Greenway Design Guidelines: 1.Enhance the Riverbank 2.Develop a Cohesive Greenway Trail System 3.Define Viewpoints 4.Design Diverse Plant Communities
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Current: 1.Enhance the Riverbank 2.Develop a Cohesive Greenway Trail System 3.Define Viewpoints 4.Design Diverse Plant Communities Additional Proposed: Define and strengthen the Reaches Activate the Greenway Incorporate a Diverse Set of Gathering Places Integrate Materials, Structures, and Art ** Introduction and Appendix
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Proposed Design Guidelines: Introduction 1.Define and Strengthen the Reaches 2.Develop a Cohesive Greenway Trail System 3.Enhance the Riverbank 4.Activate the Greenway 5.Incorporate a Diverse Set of Gathering Places 6.Integrate Materials, Structures, and Art 7.Design Diverse Plant Communities Appendix
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Introduction Intent of the Greenway Development Plan Flexibility with respect to ground conditions
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 1. Define and Strengthen the Reaches (history, hydrology, habitat potential) 1-1: North Greenway Reach 1-2: Central Greenway Reach 1-3: South Greenway Reach
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 2. Develop a Cohesive Greenway Trail System Safe, convenient, direct connections Diversity of trail experiences Well-lit system (move to #6) Dual Trail System North-south continuity Trail signage
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 3. Enhance the Riverbank Riverbank stabilization strategies that enhance ecosystems Integrate public access to water safe/ supportive to bank Integrate variety of vegetation that supports bank habitat (move to #7)
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 4. Activate the Greenway 4-1: Incorporate a variety of active uses. 4-2: Design building edges to contribute to the activity and safety of the greenway. 4-3: Provide clear connections to the greenway from streets and accessways. 4-4: Provide continuity to the greenway from adjacent open spaces. 4-5: Design areas under bridges to take advantage of physical, structural, historical, and wayfinding opportunities.
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 5. Incorporate a diverse set of gathering places (Define Viewpoints) Respond to character/ identity of each reach Range of special activities Alignment with major connections and views Plazas Play areas Docks Overlooks (Viewpoints)
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 6. Integrate Materials, Structures, and Art General design and quality of structures Continuity in paving Non-intrusive lighting Structures, Lighting, paving, walls, seating, railing, public art
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 7. Design Diverse Plant Communities General Habitat Enhancements Specific Habitat Types (8 types) Location (riverbank elevation) Typical Plantings (+ Plant List in the Appendix) Habitat Function (tolerances, human interaction, wildlife) Canopy Structure
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Appendix Greenway Development Plan graphics and illustrations Plant List History Environmental Existing Conditions Art Plan Glossary of Terms
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Proposed Design Guidelines: Introduction 1. Define and Strengthen the Reaches 2. Develop a Cohesive Greenway Trail System 3. Enhance the Riverbank 4. Activate the Greenway 5. Incorporate a Diverse Set of Gathering Places 6. Integrate Materials, Structures, and Art 7. Design Diverse Plant Communities Appendix
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Specific Discussion Points Introduction 1. Define and Strengthen the Reaches 2. Develop a Cohesive Greenway Trail System 3. Enhance the Riverbank 4. Activate the Greenway 5. Incorporate a Diverse Set of Gathering Places 6. Integrate Materials, Structures, and Art 7. Design Diverse Plant Communities Appendix
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 4. Activate the Greenway 4-1: Incorporate a variety of active uses. Discussion: What? Define active uses Ground Floor Active Uses: Active uses include but are not limited to: lobbies, retail, residential, commercial, and office. Where? How much?
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 4. Activate the Greenway 4-1: Incorporate a variety of active uses.
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 4. Activate the Greenway 4-1: Incorporate a variety of active uses. 4-2: Design building edges to contribute to the activity and safety of the greenway. Discussion: How should residential face greenway?
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines 4. Activate the Greenway 4-1: Incorporate a variety of active uses. 4-2: Design building edges to contribute to the activity and safety of the greenway. 4-3: Provide clear connections to the greenway from streets and accessways. Discussion: universal streets on the greenway?
South Waterfront Greenway Design Guidelines Next Steps April 3, 2008: Design Commission Briefing June 19, 2008: Design Commission Briefing/Work Session August 2008: Planning Commission Briefing, Design Commission Briefing September 2008: Planning Commission Hearing, Design Commission Hearing Meet with URAC, PG
Additional Amendments
Green Development Plan Concept: Alternative to “base zone development standards” of Zoning Code (section ) Provides comprehensive design approach to 6,500 feet of greenway including dual/split trail system, habitat enhancements, active and passive use areas, and in-water facilities GDP developed in partnership with City and individual developers producing incentives regarding maintenance and capital cost benefits
Green Development Plan History: Concept Adopted in 2002 as part of South Waterfront Plan Phase I – Project Goals adopted by Planning Commission and City Council 2003 GDP Schematic adopted by Planning Commission, Design Commission, and City Council 2004 Implementation strategy (governance and financial Plan) developed 2004 – 2007, to be reviewed by City Council in Winter 2008 Zoning implementation package Spring 2008
Central District: Illustrative Plan Green Development Plan:
Central District: Infrastructure Green Development Plan:
Central District: Vegetation and Habitat Green Development Plan:
Planting types Green Development Plan:
Required Residential Development Areas Section Intended to “promote new housing in areas suitable and attractive for housing.” New development must include at least 1 dwelling unit per 1,000 sq. ft. of net site area (43 units per acre or about 40 units on typical block in South Waterfront).
Required Residential Development Areas Recommend Repeal required residential development area provisions applicable to South Waterfront Amend Map to remove required area Basis Residential development is successful in district and occupies most of target area. Other portions of target area now a focus of institutional uses which require an unnecessary and costly “modification” to requirements to be approved by City.
Retail Sales and Service Use Restrictions Section Intended to “promote neighborhood-serving commercial development and help reduce traffic congestion associated with large-scale retailers.” Allows retail uses up to 40,000 sq. ft. by right and up to 60,000 sq. ft. as a conditional use. Code defines hotels as a retail use.
Recommend Amend Zoning Code to exempt “Hotels” from the requirements of Section regarding retail sales and service uses over Basis Hotels have similar trip generation and transportation impacts as residential uses which are allowed outright in district. Retail Sales and Service Use Restrictions