Class 6 Meet the teacher. Meeting aims Introduce people who work with your children Introduce people who work with your children Understanding Year 6.


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Presentation transcript:

Class 6 Meet the teacher

Meeting aims Introduce people who work with your children Introduce people who work with your children Understanding Year 6 curriculum Understanding Year 6 curriculum Discuss class routines, rewards and behaviour systems Discuss class routines, rewards and behaviour systems Key Dates Key Dates New Sat’s testing New Sat’s testing

Who are we? Ms Harris Class Teacher. Ms Harris Class Teacher. Miss Kenyon, Mrs Vaughan and Mrs Hughes -Teaching assistants. Miss Kenyon, Mrs Vaughan and Mrs Hughes -Teaching assistants.

Maths End of Year Expectation.

Sample maths tests New tests Test 1- arithmetic Test 2/3 reasoning.

Reading End of Year Expectations

How will we achieve this? Reading will take 2 forms in year 6 as we bgin to get the children secondary ready. They will be expected to read a class reader at certain parts of the year. This is vital as the reading will form part of the work that they do in school. Reading will take 2 forms in year 6 as we bgin to get the children secondary ready. They will be expected to read a class reader at certain parts of the year. This is vital as the reading will form part of the work that they do in school. They will read as part of a guided group at least once a week. They will read as part of a guided group at least once a week. Reading also takes place during literacy sessions and other curriculum areas. Reading also takes place during literacy sessions and other curriculum areas. Children should read at home at least 4 times and complete their reading record. Children should read at home at least 4 times and complete their reading record. When not directed to read a class reader, Children can also read anything they want at home. Reading should be fun. When not directed to read a class reader, Children can also read anything they want at home. Reading should be fun. Children now need to begin to take responsibility as they would in high school they need to write the name and author in a new box and write comments in that box. Children now need to begin to take responsibility as they would in high school they need to write the name and author in a new box and write comments in that box.

Sample reading tests New emphasis on P.E.E- New emphasis on P.E.E- Point Point Evidence Evidence Explanation. Explanation.

Writing End of Year Expectations ual-overview/ ual-overview/5527

Writing test On going writing assessment- we were moderated last year and will be again this year. On going writing assessment- we were moderated last year and will be again this year.

S.P.a.G Spelling, punctuation and Grammar test. Spelling, punctuation and Grammar test.

Sample tests Shifts Shifts Changes Changes Expectations Expectations New emphasis New emphasis What do you think? What do you think?

Class routines We have regular Computing lessons and it is used to support other Curriculum lessons We have regular Computing lessons and it is used to support other Curriculum lessons LRS: Kpads LRS: Kpads P.E slots are Monday/Friday P.E slots are Monday/Friday Children should have a outdoor and indoor PE kit. Children should have a outdoor and indoor PE kit. Spanish on Thursday afternoons. Spanish on Thursday afternoons. All children have been given a water bottle, they may use this at school and return home to refill. Please do not put anything other than water in the bottle. All children have been given a water bottle, they may use this at school and return home to refill. Please do not put anything other than water in the bottle. Homework will be given out on Friday and needs to be in no later than Wednesday morning. Homework will be given out on Friday and needs to be in no later than Wednesday morning. Reading, from the previous week is due in on a Monday morning. Reading records need to be in everyday so teachers can record reading. Reading, from the previous week is due in on a Monday morning. Reading records need to be in everyday so teachers can record reading.

LRS: KPADS Instant feedback Instant assessment Improve speed and accuracy Share ideas Votes

Rewards We have positive behaviour systems in Class 6, these are: We have positive behaviour systems in Class 6, these are: Star of the week - given in family assembly. Star of the week - given in family assembly. Instant rewards- check website, sent to show another teacher/Mr Maley. Instant rewards- check website, sent to show another teacher/Mr Maley. Termly achieve a green award- children who do not go on amber/red all half term get an in class reward. Termly achieve a green award- children who do not go on amber/red all half term get an in class reward. Postcards Postcards ABC award (golden star). ABC award (golden star). Year 6 residential – We are looking to link the invite to the residential to the expectations so that it is a reward for children who are doing what is expected all the time. Also into making its subject to attendance of 97% or more. Year 6 residential – We are looking to link the invite to the residential to the expectations so that it is a reward for children who are doing what is expected all the time. Also into making its subject to attendance of 97% or more.

Sanctions We follow the behaviour sanctions set out in the behaviour policy. We follow the behaviour sanctions set out in the behaviour policy. Reflection room at playtime and or dinnertime. Reflection room at playtime and or dinnertime. In class one warning, then moved to amber then to red for persistent wrong choices in behaviour. In class one warning, then moved to amber then to red for persistent wrong choices in behaviour. If on red 3 times in one week verbal warning issued. If on red 3 times in one week verbal warning issued. Verbal warning- missed play/dinner. Verbal warning- missed play/dinner. Written warning -Report/ detention Written warning -Report/ detention Exclusion unit Exclusion unit

School Website

Key dates Enterprise challenge Enterprise challenge WW1 remembrance service at Lowe house WW1 remembrance service at Lowe house Photos for kids WW1 reflection. Photos for kids WW1 reflection. Boosters- start after half term- Tuesdays- whole class attendance is expected. Boosters- start after half term- Tuesdays- whole class attendance is expected. Swimming Jan – Feb- Thursdays. Swimming Jan – Feb- Thursdays. Sat’s 9-13 the May !! No absences. Sat’s 9-13 the May !! No absences. Residential-June Residential-June Leavers performance last week in July. Leavers performance last week in July.

Websites (useful websites) Contains links to interactive resources based on all subject areas. Go to ‘curriculum’ and choose the subject you are interested in – there are links to many other sites with plenty of interactive resources Mainly Numeracy, Literacy and Science games and interactive activities. Age appropriate, subject specific activities, games, worksheets and experiments. Also has revision activities. Fun and useful interactive activities for most subjects as well as games Maths games

Year 6 ! In year 6 we aim to make the children secondary ready by: In year 6 we aim to make the children secondary ready by: Children are given more responsibilty in school. Children are given more responsibilty in school. Children required to take responsibility for their actions- accepting if they have done something wrong; no blame; telling someone in school if they are not happy; dealing with small issues themselves. Children required to take responsibility for their actions- accepting if they have done something wrong; no blame; telling someone in school if they are not happy; dealing with small issues themselves. Growth Mindsets Growth Mindsets

Growth Mindsets