Launching into Kindergarten
Introductions Mrs. Arnold
Introductions Mrs. Barrett
A Smooth Transition Social Fine Motor Academics
Social Skills Asks for Help When Needed Knows Personal Information (name, age, teacher, school, grade) Is Aware of Healthy Routines (washing hands, blowing nose, etc.) Follows Simple Instructions Participates in Discussions Recognizes Authority Shares
Fine Motor Skills Hold a Pencil Trace Shapes Using Scissors Button, Zip, and Tie Use a Computer Mouse Red Lace, Yellow Lace: Learn to Tie Your Shoe! by Mark Casey, Judith Herbst, Jenny Stanley
Fine Motor Tools Scissors Eye droppers Tweezers Rolling pins
Writing The Importance of a Name Handwriting Without Tears
Math Count Often (snacks, cars, toys, etc.) Sort and Group (groceries, toys, pantry items, snacks, laundry) Story Problems Play Games Number Hunts
Print Awareness – Written Language is Related to Oral Language (communicates a message for fun or information) – Print is all around us – Point it Out – Sweep your finger under the words Read to Your Child – Print is read left to right – Turning the pages – Author and illustrator – Letters vs. Words
Dialogic Reading Involve children in reading (PEER). Prompt the child to say something about the book Evaluate the child’s response Expand the child’s response by rephrasing and adding information to it Repeat the prompt to make sure the child has learned from the expansion
Prompts Completion Recall Open-ended Wh- Distancing Dialogic reading is just children and adults having a conversation about a book.
School Supplies
Housekeeping Review Paperwork Questions Communication
3…2…1…Launch!!! Thank you for teaming with us to make this the best experience for your child/children. We look forward to meeting the kids! It’s sure to be a fun and exciting year. Kindergarten