Our canned food drive, one of our projects during National Pork Month. Constructed large pig will be displayed in Penn Square Mall the week of October 13-19, GENERAL INFORMATION
Please fill out this form We would appreciate any pictures or videos your companies involvement in the canned food drive. TO PARTICIPATE
Bush’s Orignal Baked Beans (8oz) The teams who wins the contest will win 10 $25 gift cards to use in any fashion they choose. GENERAL INFORMATION
We will need please in may different area such as… Building of the pig. Talking with the public during the week in the mall. Take down of the pig. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY
Return this form by August 1, 2014 Can pickup/drop-off deadline is September 1, 2014 The pig will be display in Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City and volunteers will be needed to interact with the public. October 13 th -19 th, IMPORTANT DATES