Rome’s economy greatly depended on agriculture. In early Rome, a common citizen was a peasant farmer making produce off of his own small section of land.


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Presentation transcript:

Rome’s economy greatly depended on agriculture. In early Rome, a common citizen was a peasant farmer making produce off of his own small section of land to provide food for his family. The extra produce was sold. In early Rome, a common citizen was a peasant farmer making produce off of his own small section of land to provide food for his family. The extra produce was sold. The main crops were olives, grapes, and wheat. Sheep provided wool and meat. Lowland farmers raised cattle and pigs. The main crops were olives, grapes, and wheat. Sheep provided wool and meat. Lowland farmers raised cattle and pigs. The Romans developed the improved plough and the quern, which is an effective hand mill consisting of two stones that are turned by a handle for grinding grain. The Romans developed the improved plough and the quern, which is an effective hand mill consisting of two stones that are turned by a handle for grinding grain.

Page Page Only Agriculture: 2 last paragraphs

Everything was made by hand. Everything was made by hand. Entrepreneurs hired craftspeople, and had them work to produce a larger amount of goods to sell to the larger market. Entrepreneurs hired craftspeople, and had them work to produce a larger amount of goods to sell to the larger market. They also hired slaves because they could make them work longer and more intensely than hired employees. They also hired slaves because they could make them work longer and more intensely than hired employees. Craftspeople established clubs for people who shared their same trade or skill. Craftspeople established clubs for people who shared their same trade or skill.

Ostia was Rome’s largest trading port. It was 24 km down river from Rome. Ostia was Rome’s largest trading port. It was 24 km down river from Rome. They imported wheat, wine, olives, gold, silver, cotton, silk, pepper, ivory, hunting dogs and other animals. They imported wheat, wine, olives, gold, silver, cotton, silk, pepper, ivory, hunting dogs and other animals. The emperors constructed good roads and lighthouses to make trading easier. The emperors constructed good roads and lighthouses to make trading easier. Rome imported far more than it exported. This made the empire vulnerable because in the event of a war, trade may be disrupted, and Rome wouldn’t be able to supply their citizens. Rome imported far more than it exported. This made the empire vulnerable because in the event of a war, trade may be disrupted, and Rome wouldn’t be able to supply their citizens.

Rome’s economy greatly depended on what? Rome’s economy greatly depended on what?Agriculture Why did entrepreneurs hire slaves? Why did entrepreneurs hire slaves? They could make them work harder and longer than hired employees. What was the name of Rome’s largest trading port? What was the name of Rome’s largest trading port?Ostia True or False?: Rome exported far more than it imported. True or False?: Rome exported far more than it imported. False. Rome imported far more than it exported.

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