Secrets of a Great Presentation Created by The North Carolina School of Science and Math forThe North Carolina School of Science and Math North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Created by The North Carolina School of Science and Math forThe North Carolina School of Science and Math North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
The Main Question What is the question you want to answer? Why is it important?
The data
The money slide This is the slide you want remembered
The end Make it count
Presentation of the presentation
Simple is best
Bright colors might look pretty but They are distracting and difficult to read (especially if you have a lot of text that people need to read in order to understand your talk)
Color schemes
Don’t go crazy with animation
DON’T WRITE IN CAPS. EVEN IF IT’S REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT Keep your font plain and sans serif (without the squiggles)
Use images
Cross species social interaction Hypothesis: subjects who could successfully manipulate apparatus were counted as having an affiliative relationship
The amount of information on your slide is up to you. Some say no more than six words per slide. Others say follow a 6x6 (no more than six lines of text with six words per line). Just make sure your slide isn’t getting too cluttered with a lot of text. And most of all, your slides are not your teleprompter. You should memorize your talk, or at least have cue cards. Because otherwise your audience is just reading your slides and they can read quicker than you, so what you’re saying becomes redundant.
You should be more interesting than your slides
Presentation of the presenter
Speak slowly and clearly to the audience (not your slides) Be passionate Practice, practice, practice Don’t be a time hog Dress appropriately Remember your manners
The most important scientific discovery I ever made
3 slides: including data and money slide 3-5 minutes (depending on number of students)