Mean fluorescence intensities of specific serum antibodies against various antigens Measurement of serum antibodies against various antigens before and during treatment. A bead-based assay was used for measuring specific serum antibodies. Beads of different color were coated with defined recombinant proteins and the binding of serum antibodies was measured and is given as median fluorescent intensity (MFI) of at least 100 beads per antigen. Significant increase or decrease of antibody titer was defined by at least two-fold change in MFI and is indicated by arrows. Green arrows delineate crossing of cut-off and thus show sero-conversions / sero-reversions. Most of the observed changes were titer increases (21 versus 5 decreases). Significant changes were observed mainly as fast titer change, i.e. between two consecutive blood draws. In four cases a gradually change in antibody titer was observed, where neighboring data points were not significant different, but distant ones were (marked by diagonal arrows). One example of a late and slow increase in antibody titer is seen in p16 antibody titer of patient #17. Most frequent antibody induction was found against p16. Specific high titer antibodies already before vaccination have been observed in 35 cases, 4 of which increased further (red arrows; MAGE-A1, A3, A9 and LAGE-1). Legend for all graphs Median fluorescence intensity for specific antibody reactivity at the given treatment cycle Cut-off for given antigen #01Patient number BL C1C2C3C4C8 Treatment cycle; BL = baseline MFIMedian fluorescence intensity (logarithmic scale) Significant increase / decrease (> 2-fold; < 0.5-fold) between two measurements; values cross cut-off (sero- conversion or sero-reversion) Significant increase / decrease (> 2-fold; < 0.5-fold) between two measurements; both values above cut-off
Serum antibodies against CAMEL MFI CAMELcut-off
Serum antibodies against GAGE-7b MFI GAGE-7bcut-off Serum antibodies against se MFI se70-2cut-off
Serum antibodies against GBP5ta MFI GPB5tacut-off
Serum antibodies against cTAGE5a (C-terminus) MFI cTAGE5a (C)cut-off
Serum antibodies against p MFI p53cut-off Serum antibodies against p MFI p16cut-off