SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER CLASS WISHLIST Mrs. Levy, Somerset Silver Palms Academy High School
Family Donations ◦ Parents at the school are required to complete 30 volunteer hours each school year. ◦ Donating supplies to a teachers classroom will count towards your volunteer hour requirements. ◦ For every $3.33 donated, the parent will receive 1 volunteer hour. ◦ Once an item(s) from a wish list is purchased, send it to the teacher along with the receipt. The teacher will complete a Family Donation form and will send it back to you to submit to Ms. Rabi in the Middle High School main office. ◦ If you have any questions please me:
Mrs. Levy’s Class Wish list ◦ Kleenex- Tissues ◦ Lysol Wipes or anti bacterial cleaner ◦ Paper towel roll ◦ Napkins ◦ Hand Sanitizer ◦ Broom & Dust pan ◦ Construction paper / Colored ◦ Printer/ Copy Paper / Colored ◦ Printer/ Copy Paper / White ◦ Single Hole Puncher ◦ 3 Hole Puncher ◦ Pencil Sharpener ◦ Glue Sticks ◦ Regular Glue ◦ Color Pencils ◦ Regular #2 Pencils ◦ Erasers ◦ File Folders / Colored
Wish List Continued ◦ Large Paper Clips ◦ Small Paper Clips ◦ HI lighters ◦ Sharpie Pens/ Markers ◦ Colored Pens ◦ Dry Erase Markers ◦ Expo White Board Cleaner ◦ Stapler ◦ Post it Notes (any size) ◦ Laminating plastic IN THE EVENT YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE NOT BEING USED AND YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE: -Bean Bag Chairs or old gaming chairs -Computer Speakers -Laminating machine -Cutting machine (Cricut, Silhouette etc.)