Independent Sentence Elements A. Exclamatory Elements [Exclamatory Element]- S- Linking Verb- Subs. Compl. Ah! That’s a solution. B. Interpolated Elements it is a sentence set off by either dashes or parentheses: Mod- S-[interpolated element]- V- O My roommate- he’s very smart- got A. C. Vocatives it’s a word used to call someone and it’s set off by commas: Mod- S-[Vocative]- V- O Studying regularly, Ali, helps you. D. Expletive there [Expletive]- linking verb- Subs. Compl. There will be two teachers.
Types of Sentences A. Declarative Sentences It states a fact: -S- V- O The car hit the man. -S- Linking Verb- Subs. Compl. Ali is a student. B. Imperative Sentences It states an order. The subject is understood as (you). -S- V- O (you) open the door. C. Interrogative Sentence It States a question: Who broke the vase?
Interrogative adjectives They’re: whose,which, what: -Whose dog bit you? (mod of subject) -Which car do you want to buy? (mod of object) -What books did she read? Interrogative adverbs They’re: when, why, and how. -When do sleep? -Where do you live? -Why did you came late? -How are you? Patterns of Interrogative sentence -S-V-Mod-O? You lost your wallet? -Aux.-S-V-O?
Did you buy the car? -S- V-Mod-O? (Interrogative pro.) Who brought that box? -O- Aux-S-V? (Interrogative pro.) Whom did he kill? -Mod- O- Aux- S - V? (Interrogative adverb) Which dinner did he order? -Mod- - Aux- S - V? (Interrogative adverb) When Does the game start? -Mod- Adj. copmpl. - Linking verb- S? (Interrogative adverb)
How long was the play? Exclamatory Sentences He dropped that ball! Patterns: - S- V- O! He has a gun! - Mod- Mod-O – Mod- S- V! (exclamatory adj) What wonderful pies she makes! - Mod- Adj compl- S – Lonking Verb! (exclamatory adj) How strong he is!