2014 – 2015 IEC Board of Director’s Installation
Installation Vann Riley, Mike Varnum, Mark Matheny, Billy Hill, Ron Hayes Lloyd Quinney, IEC past president, installs the new board.
2014 – 2015 IEC Board of Directors President: Billy Hill, Hill Electric 1st Vice President: Ron Hayes, JMEG, LP 2nd Vice President: Mark Matheny, James Francis Electric, Inc. Secretary: Vann Riley, Baish Electric Co., Inc. Treasurer: Mike Varnum, Good Electric, Ltd. Immediate Past President: Joe Davis, Southwest Electrical Contracting, Ltd. National Representative: Lloyd Quinney, Quinney Electric Co. State Representative: Tommy Monaco, Circle Electric Co., Inc. Committee Chairman: Scott Smith, Dealers Electrical Supply A&T Committee Chairman: Scott DeSha, Southwest Electrical Contracting, Ltd.