1 Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire Naomi Cook Rural Demonstration Project Co-ordinator, Lincolnshire Road Safety.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire Naomi Cook Rural Demonstration Project Co-ordinator, Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP)

2 Casualties on the rural road network are declining at slower rate than on urban roads First steps in the strategy development involved group discussions to form a list of possible road safety issues in the County List was based on previous experience, anecdotal evidence and knowledge of the collisions history in Lincolnshire Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire

3 Key points and problems to overcome: –Interrogation of the collision database illustrated that some issues were not as prevalent are we first thought: The A15 had been trunk road until At that time it had a sustained history of collisions involving vehicles leaving the carriageway Collision data from the latest 5 year period showed this was no longer the case Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire

4 Key points and problems to overcome: –74% of Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) collisions, in Lincolnshire, occur on the rural road network (speed limit is greater than 40mph) –Even distribution of these collisions across the County Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire


6 Key points and problems to overcome: –The RDP in Lincolnshire is not geographically restricted Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire –The capital / revenue split required by the DfT created concern among the board and partners

7 The LRSP have now developed a robust strategy with a good range of measures from the Three E’s Engineering: 7 Initiatives Engineering: Enforcement: 2 Initiatives Enforcement: Education: 5 Initiatives Education: Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire

8 EngineeringEducationEnforcement A52 Boston – Skegness Speed Reduction Measures Managing Occupational Road Risk (MORR) In-car Video Systems – Safety Camera Vans Road Side HazardsLife Skills Academy VAS at Mobile Camera Enforcement Sites Passive Safety for Two Wheeled Motor Vehicles (TWMV) Performance Plus Additional Funding: Average Speed Camera Enforcement System Enhanced Verge Maintenance Foreign Nationals A17 Width Restriction Agricultural Vehicles – Mud on the Road (MOR) Night-time Collisions Speed Limit Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)

9 Enhanced Verge Maintenance – Why? LCC responsible for Verge Maintenance regime - limits number of cuts each year 1.0m cut in verge Maintenance of hedges is responsibility of adjacent land owner Vegetation has built up LCC and the LRSP receive complaints from public Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire

10 Enhanced Verge Maintenance – What? Treat two routes: A15 and B1188, both Road Safety Red Routes (RSRR) which means they have a higher than average KSI casualty rate) One additional cut per year Whole of verge to be cut as opposed to 1.0m Special attention paid to visibility splays at junctions, traffic signs and bends Monitor the effect on collisions and vehicular speeds Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire


12 Enhanced Verge Maintenance – Outcome? Difficult to ascertain effects of verge maintenance on contributory factors in RTCs Speed readings taken before and after the first cut at three sites along both treated routes Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire

13 Enhanced Verge Maintenance – Outcome? On B1188, there are slight increases in 85th percentile readings Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire B1188 Before (85 th %ile) After (85 th %ile) Potterhanworth Heath 60.7 mph61.2 mph Blankney 58 mph58.1 mph Digby 56.1 mph56.7mph A15 – 85 th %ile readings at two sites have decreased

14 Enhanced Verge Maintenance – Cost? For the first cut, including traffic management, whole verge cuts and any overhanging trees / hedges: Approximately £10,000 Approximately 25km Unsure as to likely financial implications in relation to cost of an additional cut per year Rural Demonstration Project: Processes and Problems: Developing A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire

15 More information can be found by following the RDP link at and in the brochures available today. Rural Demonstration Project: A Road Safety Strategy for Lincolnshire Alternatively, contact me: