Tips before using: (1) Be sure there are at least a few people there to participate, as it will increase probability that at least 1 person in the group will have a false memory. (2) We found that some of the timing on presentation might be a little slow (e.g., word presentation, math problems), so try it out and adjust based on audience and/or personal preference. (3) Once you click past HOW GOOD IS YOUR MEMORY slide, it will run on its own. If you find any problems or have any questions, please contact me: Enjoy!
INSTRUCTIONS 13 words will be presented on the screen Your job = Remember them!
The end.
Let’s Do Some Math…
Yell Out the Answer! = __
Yell Out the Answer! = 21
Yell Out the Answer! = __
Yell Out the Answer! = 12
Yell Out the Answer! 9 x 4 = __
Yell Out the Answer! 9 x 4 = 36
Back to the Memory Test…
Determine whether the word was previously presented or not. Yell YES or NO when you decide. INSTRUCTIONS
Do you remember the word CALM? Yell out: YES or NO
Do you remember the word FIGHT? Yell out: YES or NO
Do you remember the word PEANUT? Yell out: YES or NO
Do you remember the word FEAR? Yell out: YES or NO
Do you remember the word ANGER? Yell out: YES or NO
If you said YES to the word ANGER, then you had a false memory!
False Memory: Remembering something that never actually happened.
If you had a false memory, you’re not alone. ~40% of people falsely remember the word ANGER.
Why do people remember ANGER? FEAR WRATH HATE CALM FIGHT HAPPY FURY ANGER HATRED TEMPER EMOTION RAGE MAD MEAN It is highly related to other the words on this list
Memory does not work like a video camera! We can’t just play back what we saw.
Instead, we reconstruct our memories, like a puzzle. We don’t have the capacity to remember everything we experience, so we fill in gaps based on our past experiences and knowledge. And, this occurs without us even realizing it!
Take Home Message: Our memories are not perfect.