1 Virtual Field Trip Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
2 Weathering & Erosion Over the next two weeks we will be going on a virtual field trip! You will learn about weathering, erosion, and deposition. You will see examples of weathering and erosion, including famous places around the United States! It’s going to be a great trip! Buckle up and come along for the ride! 2
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Weathering and Erosion! 8 YES
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10 CIENCE/ROCKS-MINERALS-LANDFORMS/WEATHERING- AND-EROSION.HTM WEATHERING, EROSION, & DEPOSITION Let’s take a look at this video to get us ready to learn more about how weathering can change the shape of our land.
11 Weathering & Erosion 11 Weathering is the breakdown of materials in the Earth’s crust into __________________. Erosion occurs when weathered rock is __________________ away by gravity, water, wind, and __________________. Weathering and erosion work together to change the __________________. Physical weathering can happen because of __________________, __________________, or __________________. Acid rain and rust are examples of __________________ weathering. Erosion moves sediment by __________________, wind, and glaciers.
12 Discuss! 12 How can a river be an example of weathering and erosion? Do you ever see examples of weathering or erosion around your home or school?
13 Stop #1 Complete your exit ticket for Day 1 of our Virtual Field Trip! Name 1 thing you learned about weathering, 1 thing you learned about erosion, and 1 question you have about weathering and erosion! 13
14 Review How are landforms formed? Do landforms change over time? Do landforms ever stop changing? What is weathering? What is erosion? 14
16 Weathering Imagine you are holding a handful of sand. Look closely. Each grain is actually a tiny rock. It broke off a much larger rock. The process of breaking down rock is called weathering. Wind and water can hit rocks, changing their shape or breaking off pieces. Temperature changes can make rocks crack. Ice can form, making cracks grow wider. Rocks can also dissolve or change when water or acids react with the minerals in a rock. 16
18 Weathering Prediction Watch this video to see if your prediction is correct. deo.php?video_id=31760&title=We athering_Ice_Wedging
19 Investigation Time! 19 Rock... or Sponge???
20 Stop #2 Complete the questions on your Rock...or Sponge??? worksheet. Make sure to take your time and turn it in when you’re done! Complete your exit ticket! 20
21 Review What is weathering? What causes weathering? What happens to rock when it is weathered? 21
22 Weathering 22 Let’s take a look at this video to get us ready to learn more about how weathering can change the shape of our land.
23 Weathering 23 Weathering is the process of __________________ rocks down into fragments, and then sediments. Weathering can change the Earth’s __________________ over time. Mechanical weathering breaks down rock without changing their __________________ composition. Examples of mechanical weathering include tree __________________, expanding __________________, bolts of __________________, and crystal formation. Chemical weathering occurs when weathering changes the chemical composition of something.
24 Mechanical Weathering 24
25 Investigation Time! 25 Mechanical Weathering Experiment
27 Chemical Weathering 27 Let’s take a look at this video to get us ready to learn more about how chemical weathering can change the shape of our land. acid rain chemical weathering
28 Presidential Weathering We learned that chemical weathering changes the chemical composition of an object. Acids can mix with water molecules and when it rains, acid rain falls to the ground causing weathering. 28
29 Presidential Weathering Problem: How will vinegar (an acid) change a penny? Write down your HYPOTHESIS in your Science Notebook. 29 ** Remember a HYPOTHESIS is an educated guess!
30 Presidential Weathering I will show you 4 pennies. 1. Clean, has not been put in vinegar 2. Has been in vinegar 1 day 3. Has been in vinegar 2 days 4. Has been in vinegar 3 days. On your Presidential Weathering chart, draw the penny and write a description of how it has changed. 30
31 Presidential Weathering Answer the following questions in your notebook: How did the penny change? Why is this an example of chemical weathering? 31
32 Stop #3 Way to go! You made it to Stop #3! Turn in your notebook and Mechanical Weathering Worksheet. Tomorrow we will continue our Virtual Field Trip through Weathering and Erosion! 32
33 Review What is weathering? What is mechanical weathering? Can you give an example of mechanical weathering? What is chemical weathering? Can you give an example of chemical weathering? 33
35 Erosion 35 Let’s take a look at this video to get us ready to learn more about how erosion can change the shape of our land. Take notes!
36 Erosion 36 Erosion happens when water, wind, waves, or glaciers pick up stuff like __________________ and __________________ from the Earth’s surface and __________________ them around. Plant __________________ hold sand and soil together, but when they are not there, erosion goes __________________! Over millions of years, water can cause deep __________________. Sand is made by the process of __________________ rubbing together and becoming smaller and smaller because of the motion of __________________.
37 carves canyons cuts valleys into the land smoothes rocks and moves them downstream
38 Did you know the Grand Canyon was formed from water erosion? hhttp://
39 blows sand and smoothes rocks can carve arches into rock formations
40 crashes into rocks and carves arches and caves changes beaches pushes sand onto the beach and pulls sand out to the sea
41 flattens the land carves out basins or bowls in the land
42 Let's take a trip around the United States to see the affects of erosion across our country! Let's take a trip around the United States to see the affects of erosion across our country! zations/es1205/es1205page01.cfm
43 / SHAPE IT UP Now its time to identify these four types of erosion by playing the game Shape It Up, an Earth Changing Erosion Activity.
44 Stop #4 Complete the Shape It Up! Worksheet for your Exit Ticket. Answer with: Wind Water Glacier Volcano Turn the WS in before you leave and come back tomorrow for the next part of our trip! 44
45 Review 45 Bill Nye Let’s take a look at this video to review how erosion can change the shape of our land.
46 Investigation Time! 46 Coastal Erosion Activity
47 Stop #5 Complete your exit ticket and turn it in! Be ready to rock & roll tomorrow as we continue our Virtual Field Trip! 47
48 Review How can erosion change the shape of the land? What caused erosion in the Coastal Erosion Activity? 48
50 ROCK AROUND THE PARK Play this game to learn how landforms continue to change over time because of weathering, erosion, and deposition.
51 Stop #6 What is deposition? How do weathering, erosion, and deposition work together? 51
52 Weathering, Erosion, & Deposition Project You will be teaching your classmates about weathering, erosion, and deposition! You will make a visual aid and then present to the class. Make sure to be creative and don’t leave anything out! 52
53 Project Requirements Your visual aid/presentation must clearly and correctly explain the following processes: Weathering Erosion Deposition 53
54 Project Requirements Your visual aid/presentation must include a real-life example of how the following processes are related: Weathering Erosion Deposition 54
55 Project Requirements Your visual aid must be neat, clear and easy for your classmates to understand, and on topic! 55
56 Project Requirements You must present your project to the class to teach them about weathering, erosion, and deposition. Speak clearly and at an understandable pace Explain all parts of the visual aid If presenting with a partner, both partners must participate in the presentation 56
57 Project Choices Partner or no partner? Format: Poster Google Slides Presentation Digital Comic 57
58 Let’s Get Started! Are you going to work independently or with a partner? Choose a project format: Poster Google Slides Presentation Digital comic Gather your notes and materials Worksheets Experiments Notebook / Notes 58