Welcome to Science: WED, 9/18 Have a seat and get ready to go outside for the weathering tour. Remember to have your note book so that you can take notes during the tour.
Science Starter: Thursday, 12/4 To the side is a diagram showing the relative stability of common minerals. Which mineral would be the best at withstanding the destructive forces of weathering?
Today’s Schedule Wrap-up Weathering Tour/Prepare for Weathering Tour Quiz Your Choice 1. Finish Key Terms Section 1 (Due at the end of class) 2. Finish Skittles Lab (Part 2. Questions on the Online Classroom) Due Tomorrow 3. Ch. 10 Section 2 Questions (Textbook needed)
Ch. 10 Section 2 Questions 1. Does all weathering happen at the same rate? 2. What are the three most important factors which affect the rate at which rock’s weather? 3. What is differential weathering? 4. A spectacular example of differential weathering is shown in Figure 13. What is this landform called? 5. What is the relationship between surface area and the rate of weathering for a rock? 6. Where is a bike likely to get chemically weathered at a greater rate, New Mexico or Florida? Why? 7. Why do rocks exposed to higher elevations weather more quickly? 8. Describe how gravity increases the rate of weathering?
Do all rocks weather at the same rate? No. Climate, elevation, and surface area are factors that affect how quickly rock weathers.
The Shape of Weathering How does the surface area of a rock affects its rate of weathering? The more surface area exposed equals faster weathering.
Weathering and Climate Warm, humid climates = more chemical weathering Cold, wet climates = more mechanical weathering
Weathering and Climate
Weathering and Elevation Higher elevation = more weathering. Extreme weather at higher elevations creates more weathering. Gravity pulls loose rock down the slopes and increases the rate at which the mountain weathers.