Beowulf Vocabulary English IV Mcpherson
artful skillful: done skillfully or with taste example: an artful arrangement of blue and green ceramics
bolt a sliding bar that fits into a socket and secures a door or gate. example: a long piece of wood fastened to a door.
fret flow in ripples or small waves: to flow with a constant busy rippling motion or with small choppy waves, or cause water to flow in this way. The waves fret against the boat ’ s hull.
furrow groove: a rut or groove in a surface Example: a trench
grate fireplace: a fireplace, stove, or furnace hearth
hack chop something off or into parts: to cut, shape, or divide something roughly or carelessly ( informal ) He's hacked a whole chunk off that article I wrote for the magazine.
hoary white with age: describes hair that has become white or gray with age example: Santa Claus’s beard
infamous abominable: so bad as to earn somebody an extremely bad reputation example: Kayne West is infamous.
lament express regret: to express regret, annoyance, or disappointment about something example: She was lamenting the lack of funding for her project.
loathe to dislike somebody or something intensely. Example: Jennifer Aniston loathes Angelina Jolie
quench satisfy thirst: to satisfy a thirst by drinking something Example: drinking a cold beverage on a hot day.
relish enjoy eating something: to enjoy the taste of a particular food or drink Example: Eating ice cream on a hot day.
repetition repetition a recurrence of something example: the chorus of a song
solace relief from emotional distress: comfort at a time of sadness, grief, or disappointment Example: Talking to a friend, hanging out with family after a bad day.
utter emit something as vocal sound: to emit something as a sound made by the voice example: uttered a low growl
vexation something that vexes: something that provokes irritability or anxiety Example: Nails on chalkboards is a vexation to teachers.