Wilson Fights for Peace Chapter 11 Section 4 pp.398-403
What were Wilson's Fourteen Points? Read Pages 398-399 What were Wilson's Fourteen Points? Why did the Allies reject Wilson’s peace plan? Share your answer with your shoulder partner. (2 min.) Read Pages 400-401 What were the main provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? What were some of the weaknesses of the Treaty? How did Americans react to the Treaty? Why did Americans disagree about the League of Nations?
Read Point Counterpoint page 401 Why did Wilson support the League of Nations? What were the main objections to U.S. participation in the League? Which side made the strongest argument for or against joining the League? Share your answer with your shoulder partner. (2 min.) Read pages 402-403 Why were some people afraid of the treaty’s influence over American foreign policy? Why did Germany object to the Treaty of Versailles? How did the war affect Germany? How did the war affect U.S. power and prestige in the world?