6X Monday Objective: Describe the Dakota in Minnesota. Agenda: 1.Do Now: Map Quiz 2.Discuss notes on the Dakota in Minnesota 3.Begin learning about the Ojibwe in Minnesota.
MN map quiz Label the following on your map: 1.Mississippi River 2.Minnesota River 3.Lake Itasca 4.Lake Mille Lacs 5.Red Lake 6.Leech Lake Do the following on your maps: 7. Create a compass rose. 8. Color the coniferous forests zone blue. 9. Color the deciduous forests zone green. 10. Color the prairie zone yellow.
Dakota Spring – Making and Harvesting Sugar Summer – Planting and harvesting crops Fall – The HuntWinter – Elders and councils make decsisions HousesBark houses and sugar houses in sugar camps – where the maple trees grow. Summer villages – bark houses along rivers Hunting grounds – lived tipis – easier to build and take down – they move to follow the animals Built tipis in the sheltering woods near lakes and rivers. Councils were in the center of their tipi villages FoodMuskrat, beavers, ducks, also some of the sugar from the sugar camp, syrup, Corn, beans, squash, fish, wild rice, duck, venison, blueberries, cranberries, and other small animals Deer, bison, bear and riceRed fish ActivitiesWomen and children go to sugar camp to create sugar. Men go off to hunt Women repaired bark houses and made bark containers for food Women test trees to see if they are ready for sap Collected sap into dishes and turned it to syrup Harvested wild rice and had a wild rice festival Planted/ farmed Fished Started to get ready for winter by storing foods Men hunted Held feasts with fish and duck Men HUNT, women made clothes, move where it’s warm, build fires, cooked, preserved food, prepared for winter, made shelter