Your first slide Your first slide includes Your name A picture Personal Facts Address/phone
My Family Tree My name is David D. Flint I teach at David W. Long Elementary I am 44 years old I live at Champlain Ct. Fontana, California
This slide is about your ancestors Timeline Interesting Facts Map
Early History My family originally came from Wales I am related to Blackbeard the Pirate
The third slide is about your grandparents Pictures Birthdays Where they live How are you alike
Grandparents Born Lived I am tall. I have brown hair and light eyes.
All about your parents Pictures Interview Dates married Work Education
Parents They were married Sept My father worked as a surveyor and pilot My mother has been a secretary. They both finished high school.
Sibling/friends Favorites Games Toys
Brothers, Sisters, & Friends I have 3 sisters. We love to talk about our children I like to watch and drive cars
Myself Birthday Important Events
All About Me I was born March 16, 1958 I have two sons I have been teaching for 4 years