My Planet Report ________________ By________________________
___________the __planet from the sun. Here is a picture of all of the sun and all of the planets before my planet, ____________.
______________is one of the___planets because it is located ___________the asteroid belt. Here is a picture of my planet and the location of the asteroid belt.
__________________is the _______th largest planet. Here is a picture of the size _________next to the size of all other planets.
My planet,____________, takes ________days to orbit the sun. My planet,____________,has a _______gravity than Earth. My planet,____________, is best known for ___________________________. Insert answers from page 2 in packet
The story to describe how my planet was named includes the (delete either God or Goddess) God or Goddess_________. Here is a picture of the God or Goddess that my planet_________was named after. Insert answers from page 3 in packet
The story about naming my planet was about…..(type two facts about why and how the planet was named.) Insert answers from page 3 in packet
Below is a picture of the symbol for my planet, _____________. Insert answers from page 3 in packet
The coldest my planet ever becomes is _____________F and the warmest my planet ever becomes is __________F. Insert answers from page 3 in packet
My planet,__________, has ____moons. Some of the moon names orbiting my planet, ________are Here is a picture of the moon __________. Insert answers from page 3 in packet
My planet,__________, can or cannot be seen without a telescope. Insert answers from page 4 in packet
My planet,__________, is made of mostly gas or rock. Insert answers from page 4 in packet My planet,__________, has does not have clouds.
Insert answers from page 4 in packet My planet,__________, has does not has or does not have rings. Here is a picture of my planet with or without rings.
Insert answers from page 4 in packet My planet,__________, is larger or smaller than earth. Here is a picture of my planet, _______, next to Earth to show the size.
Insert answers from page 4 in packet My planet,__________, has had the following robots or satellites explore the planet close up. 1 2 Here is a picture of the satellite or robot called__________
Insert answers from page 4 in packet Here is a picture of the satellite or robot called__________
Insert answers from page 5 in packet Five interesting facts, and make them interesting facts not repeated facts on other slides, about my planet are
Insert answers from page 6 in packet Bibliography 1.